Miscarriage/baby loss #2

I found out I was pregnant Friday morning and Saturday lunchtime, miscarriage started. It’s my 3rd this year (April, August and November). I’ve been prescribed Thyroid medication less than 2 weeks ago as although I don’t have an under active thyroid, my brain is working harder to produce it and blood tests from 3 months ago and last week show a change. This is for me is definitely the toughest mentally as it’s so frustrating because I can’t do anything about the thyroid. I’m 38 and I feel like my time is running out.
I found out I was pregnant Friday morning and Saturday lunchtime, miscarriage started. It’s my 3rd this year (April, August and November). I’ve been prescribed Thyroid medication less than 2 weeks ago as although I don’t have an under active thyroid, my brain is working harder to produce it and blood tests from 3 months ago and last week show a change. This is for me is definitely the toughest mentally as it’s so frustrating because I can’t do anything about the thyroid. I’m 38 and I feel like my time is running out.
I had my first child at 38 after 4 years of trying and the month before we were due to start IVF. Having just had a miscarriage at 45, you have soooooo much time left! Believe me. I really hope your health problems are on their way to being fixed. 3 in a year is tough, you have been unbelievably strong.
Looking for advice, having a miscarriage.. I had one in late June or July and it all came away itself. Quite heavy bleeding. This time it's still spotting since Monday night, I've been up for a scan and blood tests and Hgc levels are exactly the same as 2 days ago. Nothing on the scan, I'm 7 weeks so it should have been visible and levels should have been higher. I've to go back for another blood test tomorrow, anyone know when they might move to medical management or is it just wait and see ? Told by midwife this is a positive sign of my fertility but struggling to see that view. 38 with 1 child, would quite like another.
Looking for advice, having a miscarriage.. I had one in late June or July and it all came away itself. Quite heavy bleeding. This time it's still spotting since Monday night, I've been up for a scan and blood tests and Hgc levels are exactly the same as 2 days ago. Nothing on the scan, I'm 7 weeks so it should have been visible and levels should have been higher. I've to go back for another blood test tomorrow, anyone know when they might move to medical management or is it just wait and see ? Told by midwife this is a positive sign of my fertility but struggling to see that view. 38 with 1 child, would quite like another.

Once the blood tests are back and they confirm whats happening I would think they’d talk about management. I got three options - wait and see if things progress naturally (they would leave me for 2 weeks and then if nothing had happened I would have to opt for surgical management), medical management or surgical management. I chose to go straight for medical management which I took the next day.

sorry for your loss ☹🩷
Thank you, it's such a drain. I've been off all week I thought it would progress by now and I'd be ready to go back to work Monday. told my manager at work and she was super understanding, said take time off if I needed it. Between feeling really sad and now kind of accepting of the fact this pregnancy won't progress im just wanting the whole experience over with but having to go back to hospital for a third blood test Sunday night :(
Thank you, it's such a drain. I've been off all week I thought it would progress by now and I'd be ready to go back to work Monday. told my manager at work and she was super understanding, said take time off if I needed it. Between feeling really sad and now kind of accepting of the fact this pregnancy won't progress im just wanting the whole experience over with but having to go back to hospital for a third blood test Sunday night :(
My baby stopped growing at 8 weeks, I found out at the 10 week scan and started bleeding (more like spotting) a few days later. As nothing was happening, I packed my husband and child off on holiday and cycled to my nearest city to go to the market 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ seriously, if I'd known!!! I lost the baby at just over 11 weeks, so she hung around for an extra 3 weeks. I live in a European country, they don't tend to interfere. Despite my advanced maternal age, they left me alone and were happy for me to wait (I declined medication) as long as I felt ok and didn't have a fever. They called a few times to check on my progress. Absolutely were NOT going to offer surgery, despite me asking for it 🙄

I lost the baby on the Sunday after 4 days of only spotting. I woke up with cramps on Wednesday, something icky came out, which I think (Google search)was the uterine casing or lining, cramps again on Thursday morning but then everything was ok for 9 days (still spotting) then the cramps decided to come back on the day of my scan 🤷‍♀️ I overdid it a bit earlier on in the week, so maybe my body was protesting, but it was a bit frustrating to have that happen.

The whole thing has taken a long time, but I'm happy with my decision to wait, it was right for me and I needed time to adjust.

I can understand that you want things over and done with, but secretly, I was a bit scared of taking the medicine 🤫. Apart from the actual miscarriage where I was bleeding more heavily and really couldn't move or think much, I could function quite happily. Cramps were dealt with by ibuprofen and a hot water bottle and didn't last long and I've only had very light bleeding between "events". It's such a personal decision, I hope you get some answers from the blood test and things go peacefully for you x
Feeling so frustrated today. My surgery for MMC was 3.5 weeks ago and I’m still testing positive. Been to the hospital today who did a scan and luckily they couldn’t see any left over tissue. They said my uterine lining looked okay at 6.3mm? And that it looked like I had ovulated which I thought so due to BBT and OPK tests. HCG is still at 43. Does it ever end?! Never thought I’d be in this position after finding out about the MMC 6 weeks ago :-( so hard to try and move forward
Had a MC in April after trying for 2 years. It has completely changed me as a person, it's all I think about now. I feel like it's taken over my entire being. I was due on Christmas Day so all this build up to Christmas is making things worse.
Sending love to you all xx
Had a MC in April after trying for 2 years. It has completely changed me as a person, it's all I think about now. I feel like it's taken over my entire being. I was due on Christmas Day so all this build up to Christmas is making things worse.
Sending love to you all xx

can totally relate to this. Feel like life is separated into before and after it happened. I’m so sorry you’re going through this xx
can totally relate to this. Feel like life is separated into before and after it happened. I’m so sorry you’re going through this xx
This is how I am too. I feel so stupid because my MC was so early but I just find it hard to think about much else. I fell pregnant relatively quickly last year once we started actually trying properly and I was doing ovulation tests etc I just assumed when I had my MC I would fall pregnant quickly again but it’s not been like that. It’s almost a year since my MC and I’m still hanging on. I did take March-May out this year from TTC because my head was a mess but me and my partner are now heading down the route of tests etc and I just didn’t see it coming to this. Sending my love to you all ❤️
Feeling so frustrated today. My surgery for MMC was 3.5 weeks ago and I’m still testing positive. Been to the hospital today who did a scan and luckily they couldn’t see any left over tissue. They said my uterine lining looked okay at 6.3mm? And that it looked like I had ovulated which I thought so due to BBT and OPK tests. HCG is still at 43. Does it ever end?! Never thought I’d be in this position after finding out about the MMC 6 weeks ago :-( so hard to try and move forward
I lost the baby 2.5 weeks ago, but the 🤢casing?🤢 of my uterus two weeks ago. On my scan last week, there's still a tiny bit of something left and I still have a very faint line on a pregnancy test. The scan said I was ovulating, so I'm happy that my elderly body is kicking out utterly useless eggs 👍

I'm in two minds, I want a negative test to put it behind me, but when I test, my heart races, because this will be the last positive test I ever see, so that's also comforting to see 🤷‍♀️ aaaarrrgggh
Have had my first early loss yesterday at 5 weeks. I waited 10 days after missing my AF to test and to tell my OH as I wanted to make sure then just over an hour after I told him, I started bleeding heavily 😟 had to go back downstairs and tell him never mind.
It was heart breaking because in those 10 days I’d already let myself get so excited.

I am lucky enough to have a 16 month old after a long TTC journey and since I got my AF back after birth they have been extremely heavy flooding and I’ve felt like something is wrong, does anyone know if I can request any blood tests from my Dr (NHS as I’m UK) or will they say no as I have a child?
I’m in my mid 30s and would love to have another baby but now I’m worrying about having more losses if something is wrong with my hormones or something 😟
Have had my first early loss yesterday at 5 weeks. I waited 10 days after missing my AF to test and to tell my OH as I wanted to make sure then just over an hour after I told him, I started bleeding heavily 😟 had to go back downstairs and tell him never mind.
It was heart breaking because in those 10 days I’d already let myself get so excited.

I am lucky enough to have a 16 month old after a long TTC journey and since I got my AF back after birth they have been extremely heavy flooding and I’ve felt like something is wrong, does anyone know if I can request any blood tests from my Dr (NHS as I’m UK) or will they say no as I have a child?
I’m in my mid 30s and would love to have another baby but now I’m worrying about having more losses if something is wrong with my hormones or something 😟
I would definitely go to the doctors and get yourself checked out (not just for TTC, but general health). I bled all the time and it was polyps. Heavy bleeding is not normal, try to insist on a scan at the least. Mention all your problems and the miscarriage. I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️
Wrote on this thread recently after having a MMC in October. Had one cycle in between and then fell pregnant only to now have what I think is a chemical and hopefully not an ectopic. Just don’t even know where to go from here
Wrote on this thread recently after having a MMC in October. Had one cycle in between and then fell pregnant only to now have what I think is a chemical and hopefully not an ectopic. Just don’t even know where to go from here
Thinking of you ❣️
New to the thread. I’d my 1st chemical pregnancy back at the start of October, should have had my 12 week scan this month, feel like all I’ve seen the last few weeks is pregnancy announcements, which I’m struggling with. I’m sure many of you here can relate. Hoping everyone is managing ok and has the support around them they need during this festive period, I know it will be hard for a lot of others 💔❤️