Mikhila McDaid #21 She’s got 99 channels but, does anyone watch one ?

Her live, for the first few minutes I wondered if her hair was wet or greasy. Then I remembered it's Mik so of course it's grease. She mentions she was going to wash her hair but just sticks a hat on instead. Absolutely grim.
She's hoping the other parents at a football party will get her in the Christmas spirit and is panicking she hasn't watched Elf or Home Alone yet. I'm astounded (no idea why when it comes to Mik) she openly admits Grey's Anatomy is her WFH watch. If someone in my team put that on SM I would be keeping a very careful eye on their productivity levels.
She really must not buy gifts for anyone for Christmas, including her own kids. As a mum, isn't that part of Christmas? Lee seems to do it all.

Such a coincidence she seems to go on a no buy at this time of year every year to justify why she isn't buying anything. She'll happily get her nails and hair done though.
She refuses to take part in 'forced gift giving' but slips out that her and Milo were wrapping gifts together! She says she could get on board with a £200 secret santa gift though :unsure: . It seems she doesn't like people sending her cheap Christmas gifts.......
Mik going on about adults not needing Christmas presents etc and forced gift giving . Another not so subtle dig at frenemy big Emma who is obsessed with receiving piles of presents?

She said her and Lee ‘never’ do presents?!! but we’ve seen year after year him gifting her expensive or designer gifts at Christmas. She’s now having to buy him a present this year because surprise surprise he’s bought her gifts again

Remember when Em and Mik used to do that daft advent box swap thing? Mik received a load of cheap crap from Em
She bought Karen a necklace as soon as they started their business didn't she?
She seems to be happier to buy presents for friends than for her family (especially Ella), it's pretty weird.
Also as she was going on and on about Christmas being about overconsumption - I wonder where that originates from🤔couldn't possibly be her beloved USA🙃
How many 'robes' and 'sweatpants' does she need? Another beige sweater as well, perfect. She's said this before but thinks it's OK to put on a dressing gown straight out the bath without getting dried... and also doesn't wash her noo one first :sick:

Wasn't there a no buy going on? I've not been keeping up with all 92 channels.
Also as she was going on and on about Christmas being about overconsumption - I wonder where that originates from🤔couldn't possibly be her beloved USA🙃
But for someone who lorves Christmas, supposedly, I don’t really see her ‘over consuming’ at all. I get a bit carried away with the seasonal food and drinks, but apart from a Starbocks red cup drink, she doesn’t take an interest. She buys duck all for presents. And barely buys any new decorations each year and doesn’t do much decorating outside of a tree and some coloured light on the bush outside the years she can be bothered. Only over consumption for her is sitting alone in the dark watching Christmas films from October and getting sick of them by December.
But for someone who lorves Christmas, supposedly, I don’t really see her ‘over consuming’ at all. I get a bit carried away with the seasonal food and drinks, but apart from a Starbocks red cup drink, she doesn’t take an interest. She buys duck all for presents. And barely buys any new decorations each year and doesn’t do much decorating outside of a tree and some coloured light on the bush outside the years she can be bothered. Only over consumption for her is sitting alone in the dark watching Christmas films from October and getting sick of them by December.

Yeah, she seems to get more excited by the idea of Christmas in November, then she just gets depressed :(
Love the anti Christmas consumption rants… then proceeds to go shopping for herself n drop major hints at Lee for a coach bag, on their shopping date to meddoall. Yep.. she don’t wanna spend on no one else. Even the gift she got Ella had to be reduced to £1 in primark! You know it had to have been reduced. You know they been flashing lees cash in Victoria’s Secret for the holidays too!
Vlogmas 10 - Mik says she was listening to a pod cast starring Richard E Grant, who has been a fan of Barbra Streisand for years.......and when he finally met her, he was 'apoplectic' with excitement. Apoplectic means extreme anger Mik so, don't know what you're trying to say ????? He was extremely angry when he met her?????.....does she mean 'euphoric'???? 😂