Chatty Member
I don’t think Mark paid for Arg’s rehab. He said “offered to pay” and said he arranged the flight to Thailand for his rehab. I could be wrong though. Plus Arg was biging Elliot Wright up even more than Arg but Ruth and Eamon were asking about Mark as the viewers would obviously have a bigger interest in the more famous of the Wright boys. Arg was all alone on Christmas day bless him, his sister wanted to be with her family, Gemma was with her family etc. Mark could have invited Arg to be with him. Maybe he did but I don’t think his friendship with Arg makes him an angel. Narcs usually have a close friend who they can boss around to boost their ego (we all know Arg was Mark’s ‘little witch’ on towie) and the friend is never ever better looking or more successful than them . Arg is the perfect friend for Mark. Just my opinion.