For those who may not know, you can buy a National Parks “passport” and collect stamps at each park you visit. It’s an easy and accessible thing to do, and millions of people have figured out how to put an ink stamp into their little booklet with no issues. But if you’re confused, don’t worry — Michael Kay is here to remind you “do not stamp your federal passport… I cannot reiterate that quite enough.”
(Full disclosure, in the video you can see a laminated sign on the table reminding people of the same — but one does get the impression that this was a mistake Michael would have been about to make himself.) (Also worth noting that Michael stamped one of the free papers instead of the booklet he was no doubt too cheap to buy.)
Also, if this numbskull was a Boy Scout on the east coast where he grew up, then the only bears he ever encountered were black bears, which are night and bleeping day from the grizzlies in Alaska. But nice to see the confidence dripping off of Mr. Bear Experience over here, along with the pastry crumbs still clinging to his stubble from breakfast.