I’ve always thought that we never see Mia herself eating a balanced meal. I rewatched a vlog from March just to see if she had started doing everything in her room in lockdown and she did mostly spend the day in her room, including having dinner. She showed her dinner and said how there were vegetables but she wasn’t that hungry so didn’t want any, I’m 18 and if I’m not wanting much for dinner my parents still would make me have the vegetables over the rest of the food because I don’t typically eat many throughout the day, you’d think Mia’s mum would push her to do similar. You can see this rubbing off onto Mabel, with the only form of fruit and vegetables being berries, which I’m sure more people like than vegetables. I swear all of Mabel’s meals consist of toast and berries, would it kill Mia to just boil some carrots and broccoli to go with something else? Then again I doubt Mia eats that kind of thing herself judging by her diet of energy drinks and mostly quite unhealthy foods. Any meal I’ve ever seen her have there has typically been mostly white and brown on the plate. Where’s the colour?With the jokes around toast I do always wonder why that’s what she gives her 24/7 every day. I’ve never (over a year of watching) seen her give Mabel or herself fruit and veg.
Why does Mia think every meal has to be under this weird specific category she has. Why can’t breakfast be mashed potato with some tomatoes and ham. Or porridge and fruit. Or fruity pastry for a different texture. Eggs, Greek yoghurt, veg and rice. There’s so much choice! Then she’ll moan she’s a fussy eater and why try anything. Yeah because 1) you have to model this behaviour for her and 2) you have to introduce babies to a HUGE variety of food and keep trying the food they’re not keen on in different ways.
probably doesnt want someone who stinks to rep their brandher driving test blog is back on public but with no #ad in it wonder why they pulled out
It was literally the worst advert I had ever seen im not bloody surprised, she couldn’t sound more fake if she tried!her driving test blog is back on public but with no #ad in it wonder why they pulled out
I think it’s supermarket toilets, might be wrong but I think the story was she bought the test did it right away in supermarket toilets then went back to school.
Totally I’m also pretty sure she went straight to her (art?) teacher and told her straight away. Which meant to school had a duty of care and gave her 24 hours to tell her mum or they would have told her themselves. That’s why she called her mum whilst she was working awayAh that makes sense so! She tells so many different versions of everything else
No toast (YAYYY!!) but of course there’s just BERRIES for any kind of nutrition. Any some kind of bloody ‘veg stick’ crisp puff. PLEASE GIVE YOUR CHILD ACTUAL VEG. Like it would it literally take 3 minutes to boil green beans or 5 for some carrot sticks. Also hate how she’s giving her one piece at a time - supposedly as a cure to stop her throwing it about. That’s literally how children learn and explore food and textures. Ugh. Let Mabel be a ‘toddler’ please:I’m ready to hear comment about the next video haha. If Mabel eats toast of fruit bread I’ll cry
her driving test blog is back on public but with no #ad in it wonder why they pulled out