She’s just mad that her assumptions of what college would be aren’t reality. She assumed she would have very short days and loads of free periods, but then admits she didn’t know what the hours were beforehand.
From what we’ve seen with her and Mabel, I can’t imagine her actually wanting to work with kids day in, day out. If she really wanted it, she would make the placement hours work. In her eyes she thought it would just be a simple course for her to do on the side- turn up for a few hours a week, just to tick that box of a having a career option backup from YouTube. She needs to find something she’s actually interested in because I can’t see YouTube lasting forever for her.
From what we’ve seen with her and Mabel, I can’t imagine her actually wanting to work with kids day in, day out. If she really wanted it, she would make the placement hours work. In her eyes she thought it would just be a simple course for her to do on the side- turn up for a few hours a week, just to tick that box of a having a career option backup from YouTube. She needs to find something she’s actually interested in because I can’t see YouTube lasting forever for her.