Borderline personality disorder is a condition that affects how you think, feel and interact with other people.
Symptoms of borderline personality include being emotionally unstable, having upsetting thoughts and acting without thinking.
The cause of borderline personality disorder is unclear. It's been linked to traumatic events during childhood, such as neglect or abuse.
i got this from online and in my opinion I don’t think mia is emotionally unstable, she’s just a drama queen who loves the attention. I feel that if she was emotionally unstable she wouldn’t be posting videos of her being happy and having a “glow up” once her cat died after claiming she was heartbroken from it. I think she’d constantly have to re do parts of her videos from breaking down in tears but it doesn’t look like mia edits much of her videos. I think she does have upsetting thoughts but I think about 99% of teenagers do, especially people who have just had an unplanned baby where their life has completely changed. I don’t think she acts without thinking either, I think she’s just not wise and a little bit stupid with some of the stuff she posts (like the writing she stole from someone else when Landon died). She only ever deletes videos or comments when she gets backlash otherwise everything she posts would stay up and if she acts without thinking she’d be constantly deleting her mistakes (while still making others).
not that all BPD is caused by abuse or something from someone’s childhood but I do feel like the thing with Mia and her dad isn’t fully true, like I said before on here.. I think it’s more her dad being strict with her and Mia rebelling against him for some type of attention. She said before that when someone tells her to do something she’s most likely to do the opposite because she doesn’t like being told what to do, if her dad hit her in any way I think it was to teach her a lesson when she gave backchat (even though I could be wrong). Apart from Mia not getting on with her dad she seems to have a somewhat decent childhood as she could pick and choose who she lived with (between her mum and dad) and she got on fine with her mum and sister.
Some symptoms of BPD are:
- Fear of abandonment. People with BPD are often terrified of being abandoned or left alone.
- Unstable relationships.
- Unclear or shifting self-image.
- Impulsive, self-destructive behaviors.
- Self-harm.
- Extreme emotional swings.
- Chronic feelings of emptiness.
- Explosive anger.
Mia has stated many times that she would prefer to be alone and doesn’t want a future partner, she also wants to move out ASAP which will mean living alone with her child(ren).
She’s definitely had unstable relationships with her dad and mabels dad.. obviously we don’t know but I think the one with her dad may be her fault because of her attitude. The one with her ex was basically him using her for sex and then Mia never saying a good word about him since (which is understandable but it’s not much of a relationship).
Unclear or shifting self-image when you have BPD, your sense of self is typically unstable. Sometimes you may feel good about yourself, but other times you hate yourself, or even view yourself as evil. You probably don't have a clear idea of who you are or what you want in life. (Got from the Internet) ... I can completely see this in mia, she doesn’t admit she dislikes herself but it’s clear she does or she wouldn’t constantly change the way she looks. She’s also been very self conscious about her weight.
She is impulsive with certain things but I don’t believe she’s completely self destructive. I do think she would happily look after herself if she had more money and bought things that make her happy (like a bathroom decorated how she wants it with all her stuff in) but she chooses not to wash sometimes and blames it on being a mum aka being busy but in reality I think she’s just a little lazy at times (like most teenagers).
No one knows if mia self harms but she wears revealing clothes and doesn’t have visible cuts/burns. I think mia said she used to self harm (not completely sure though).
I don’t think mia has extreme emotional swings. She also doesn’t have severe highs and lows when it comes to her moods. I think she’s very unhappy in life but doesn’t want to seem vulnerable so she acts as though she’s happy and has her life completely together (which we all know is far from the truth).
I do think mia gets lonely but I don’t think she feels completely empty. When she has the chance she does meet her “mum friends” I think the more lonely mia feels the less people she’d see.
I’ve seen mia roll her eyes and get fed up of Mabel but I’ve never seen her get really angry towards her, she’s never shouted at her, gone to do something then stopped or completely given up with her because she’s that frustrated with her. I actually admire her for this as this is one thing I’ve noticed about her that is a positive towards her child.