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Just watched this old video of mia’s and it’s funny how time has changed things... she still has the arrogant “my opinion is right” attitude but I feel like she used to not care so much about what others do and now all she goes on about is how right she is. I guess it’s her way of being defensive.
At 2:50 (roughly) the Baby wearing question - mia said she was against wearing the baby carrier thing when the baby is sleeping or wants to fall asleep because it’s a “bad habit” and will be hard for the child to drop the habit once they start doing it yet she’s done exactly that with Mabel in her swinging chair to get her to fall asleep.
At 3:40 mia was discriminating other people’s religions/beliefs about circumcision. You don’t have to agree with people but downgrading them and talking disgustedly about them is rude and disrespectful.
At 8:17 mia confirmed here that she never wanted to breastfeed and then after she had Mabel she turned on the water works saying she would’ve liked to breastfeed but couldn’t because of her traumatic c section. Not that a c section stops you from breastfeeding but I’m unsure of why she suddenly changed what she said.
At 8:57 she talks about a baby “crying it out”, she gave tit advice at 9:30. Mia said she was going to leave the baby crying for 10 minutes because it might just be for attention which is stupid to leave a baby under 6 months alone and crying when they most likely have a reason to be crying. At 6 months + is when babies start moving to their own bedroom and you can start sleep training them. Before that a baby will most likely cry because they’re hungry so ignoring them for 10 minutes will only make them hungrier (worse).
At 11:30 she talks about abuse, a child who has been abused wouldn’t say a “slight tap on the arm” is okay, they would be completely against violence towards their child as they know too well what it does to you.
At 11:50 mia says “when my dad wasn’t very nice to me, it made me want to retaliate more” which is basically the rebelling of a teenager. If she does the opposite to what her dad wanted or asked her to do or hit him back in any way then she clearly isn’t scared of him. When most people become afraid, they freeze and shut down. It’s almost as if she actually liked going against her dad because she liked the attention it got her. Obviously this abuse thing is ongoing and probably always will be but I don’t think she’s telling the full truth and if anything shows that then it’s this.
At 13:00 she talks about co sleeping. Says she is basically against it because it isn’t safe in her bed yet she brings Mabel in every morning for a lie in (so basically another nap). Again, she hasn’t followed her own advice because getting Mabel out of this “habit” will be difficult, something she even said herself.
At 15:15 mia calls people who don’t get their child vaccinations stupid, even if the parent has their own valid reasons. She should be less concerned about what others are doing and more concerned at the things she does. I could think of many things she could improve on so talking down about people and calling them names is disrespectful when no one is perfect themselves. As a mother, i think she should be supporting other mothers more seeing as she is so PRO CHOICE.