So I made an account on here roughly a month ago and haven’t got round to typing what I want to say but I’ve finally found the time. This isn’t a hate essay towards mia, there are many things in these paragraphs I’ve mentioned which I’ve seen multiple people comment about so maybe if Mia reads them enough she might do something about them
The first and most obvious thing she does is always contradicting herself. She said she didn’t want to breastfeed Mabel because she didn’t want her boobs changing appearance then she cries for having a c-section and “not being able to breastfeed” after she had claimed she was recovering quickly and well. She mentioned her milk coming through 4 days after leaving the hospital and she went on saying how she’s not going to breastfeed and that’s her decision. It doesn’t matter what she does with Mabel but don’t say one thing then something different the next
. She also mentions how her biological dad has changed her opinion on guys and that she will never want a man raising her children which is why she wants children by herself... but she also says how lonely she is, that she wishes for a perfect family like cam&fam (Cameron and Landon) on youtube, that she wants a boyfriend and it’d be nice for Mabel to have a father figure to look up to. Half of her tiktoks are her saying is amazing being mabel’s only parent and she loves life the other half is her complaining she does everything because mabel’s dad is a dick.
She admits to being different off camera which I feel is misleading her viewers. A lot of her viewers are kids or teenagers and the best example she can be to them is if she is real and honest. Even with her flaws.
Some people will disagree on this one with me but I can’t stand people who co sleep with a baby. I know Mabel is bigger and getting older now but if she can crawl and roll then she always has a chance of falling out of bed. Mia seems to always have long sleeps so if she’s in one of her long, deep sleeps she can roll over and squash mabel’s ribs and suffocate her which is horrible to think about.
In one of her most recent videos she was hanging up her washing and getting annoyed that Mabel wouldn’t drink her milk. The whole reason she wouldn’t drink her milk is because she’s teething, with teething comes sleepless nights, an irritable baby constantly, dribbling and rashes around the mouth. When your baby is teething and they don’t want to eat you should comfort them, take their mind off the pain they’re going through, cuddle them, play with them, give them food and drink little and often and keep them happy. I’d never get annoyed with my daughter over something she can’t control. I can tell by mia’s attitude and her eye rolling that she was getting frustrated with Mabel... but she has a whole lot worse to come yet. Teething is just something small when having a child, there are much bigger worries coming her way. No sleep is hard with a baby, you can’t function properly but she has her whole family there to help, she still gets a lot of sleep and it’s not like she does much in the day. I find it a little bit selfish thinking about her own health over her daughters :/
She always over explains why she does things (I understand that being a youtuber she will always get hate but I think a lot of her “hate” is actually constructive criticism). When she explains and repeats the same thing over and over again it just makes me think she knows she is doing wrong but she’s trying to justify her actions. She also deletes any negative comments on her videos, if you look at all her videos I’ve only ever seeing people mentioning how Mabel has the best mum ever and how lucky she is to have Mia. I once suggested not feeding Mabel solid food at 3 months old as her stomach can’t digest it properly and because she has no teeth she can’t chew it properly and I had a few teenagers come at me telling me how Mia knows what she’s doing. A couple of days later Mia posted a Snapchat picture on her story saying how she’s scared to feed Mabel any solids now because she once choked on a vegetable stick, that was my point. I don’t get any notifications for the comment anymore and all my old notifications have disappeared which must mean my comment was deleted.
Mia makes excuses for not uploading all the time but every week it seems to be a different excuse. When she vlogs we can all predict what they will be about as there are the same things happening but with a different click bait title. She wants to be a good YouTuber but she uploads what she wants, when she wants. All of her videos are about Mabel, she never does challenges or videos with her family. It’d be nice to see something different every now and then but then again I guess Mabel brings in the money
There are two things that annoy me but it’s just what I don’t like, not really what Mia should change. When she changes voice and drags on a word when she’s telling us what she’s about to do in vlogs makes me cringe a little
. I would also suggest she gets someone in her family to spell check her videos or posts before she makes one as she spells tired like “tiered” and I don’t think it looks good for business. I know her spelling may not be her fault but there are ways around things, if I can’t spell a word and spell check on my phone or computer is telling me it’s wrong I’ll change the word to something different.
I’m surprised her mum doesn’t get involved with certain things... especially when Mia is posting all over the Internet how she plans to have another baby within the next year or two and she doesn’t have a partner. Mia also said about going to these baby classes and everyone looking down on her for having a c-section but when I was in hospital all the mums who had a c-section got nothing but respect and care as it seemed like they were having a harder time recovering. Mums look out for each other, they do to these classes to make friends, meet new people and spend one on one time with their baby they don’t go there to
witch and judge other mums and if it’s that terrible they wouldn’t allow that type of mothers there.
She complains constantly about feeling
tit, being depressed and everyone else having perfect lives except her but in her YouTube videos and on tiktok she goes on about how well she’s doing for a teen mum and if she’s better than everyone else. She makes it sound like she has her whole life together with the driving and buying a car, working/earning money and going back to college after having a baby but I guess it means nothing when you aren’t happy