I disagree completely, but only because I studied it at university and forcing a routine can do much more harm than good! Most babies naturally get a routine, and many prefer it - do better with them, but not all babies work like that! Some babies are better sleeper than others, and constant sleep regressions & developmental leaps always affect routines, you should follow your babies cues rather than forcing them to sleep at certain times as that is how they learn sleep cycles for themselves. I would never say staying up until midnight is a good idea, but that’s because it throws off the daytime & affects the routine when it comes to nursery etc. Mabel isn’t at harm mentally/developmentally by staying up late because she wakes up late and still gets enough sleep. It’s just going to be a problem when Mia goes to college etc & may encourage the bad habit! The problem is that the reason Mabel is staying up so late is probably because she isn’t tired enough & Mia is filming rather than winding down.. but that’s all I have to say since this isn’t mumsnet
oh but I definitely agree on the laziness and fitting Mabel into her routine! It does seem like she’s awake late because Mia is rather than something she naturally does. It’s weird though because Mia is so obsessed with routine at the beginning!