MellySophiaMua and Costas

I saw her on her wedding day also - they were taking pictures in Regent’s Park.

He is very short & I think he tries to compensate for it by sleeping around with insta girls.

On his insta (not long before they got engaged) was loads of pool parties with insta girls in bikinis.

I didn’t like the way he said to his mates under the engagement picture “ I told you I would get her”.

like it was a bet.

His insta was one massive orgy. All parties, women & his immature voice. This is what I don’t get - it was all there to see, why would a young rich guy change so quickly (for her?).

I think her family might have overlooked everything because he is so rich.That happens a lot.

it is odd that he had to sleep with her. It’s a conquest thing.

if he did hit her, that’s awful BUT he had previous form which was publically reported.

He did what he wanted, because she let him.

it would have been so much more empowering for her to say no to him, she leapt after him for the wealth.

her religiousness seems very false.

Dubai is a horrible city to live in, false & sleazy. Again - her religious image & her reality are 2 different things.

she earns good money, she needs to stop chasing wealthy thugs & clubbing - or remove thebible quotes! It looks bad.

Yes - it looks like it was a marriage for her image until he threw her down the stairs. Terrible - also how do you know this?

Also - what’s his insta?
I heard Seda introduced them - is that true?
The story of violence has come from people connected to him rather than her (obviously I can’t say too much) I’m not saying it’s 100% the truth because I can’t vouch for something I didn’t see with my own eyes or hear from the horses mouth but I fully believe something far more serious than him cheating with this other girl went down.
If you type in Melissa and Costas wedding on google there’s a video of their wedding still up, it’s only a minute but I forgot how HUGE their wedding was

There is a 4min video too

It's funny listening to the speeches, especially his and his dad's!! Full of rubbish lol we were trying not to laugh on the day, everyone knew it was gonna end in tears cos of Costa's rep.

Wedding itself was amazing though, sad about the actual marriage! I'm sure she and her family just saw the £££ and I guess cos she is pretty thought he might be happy enough with her. His insta was enough to tell you that wasn't gonna happen.

I can’t say I’m surprised a the family would probably sue her and b it doesn’t fit with her image

Just me guessing but because they divorced so quick I think there was a settlement and probably she is not allowed to speak about it. His family are clever enough to have a prenup aswell - I don't wanna say too much but I know people connected to his dad, he is not as stupid as his son.
There is a 4min video too

It's funny listening to the speeches, especially his and his dad's!! Full of rubbish lol we were trying not to laugh on the day, everyone knew it was gonna end in tears cos of Costa's rep.

Wedding itself was amazing though, sad about the actual marriage! I'm sure she and her family just saw the £££ and I guess cos she is pretty thought he might be happy enough with her. His insta was enough to tell you that wasn't gonna happen.

Just me guessing but because they divorced so quick I think there was a settlement and probably she is not allowed to speak about it. His family are clever enough to have a prenup aswell - I don't wanna say too much but I know people connected to his dad, he is not as stupid as his son.

As if the wedding was only june 2018!! Jeeeeeeeeze the marriage really did end quickly I thought it was about 4 years ago! 😱
Also, costas’ dad looks sooooo young!!

There is a 4min video too

It's funny listening to the speeches, especially his and his dad's!! Full of rubbish lol we were trying not to laugh on the day, everyone knew it was gonna end in tears cos of Costa's rep.

Wedding itself was amazing though, sad about the actual marriage! I'm sure she and her family just saw the £££ and I guess cos she is pretty thought he might be happy enough with her. His insta was enough to tell you that wasn't gonna happen.

Just me guessing but because they divorced so quick I think there was a settlement and probably she is not allowed to speak about it. His family are clever enough to have a prenup aswell - I don't wanna say too much but I know people connected to his dad, he is not as stupid as his son.

Also, I know you probably can’t say too much but do you think they were genuinely in love?
As if the wedding was only june 2018!! Jeeeeeeeeze the marriage really did end quickly I thought it was about 4 years ago! 😱
Also, costas’ dad looks sooooo young!!

Also, I know you probably can’t say too much but do you think they were genuinely in love?

I can't remember exactly how long they lasted but I don't think it was even a year? And the divorce when through QUICK aswell so that's why I think he must have paid her off some but cos she hasn't spoken about it silence would have been part of the deal. His dad is a real businessman, he would def have been behind that. Costas thinks he is a businessman but his dad is the real one.

I dunno, I think she was in love with the idea of him not who he really is. Or she actually thought she could change him and it didn't work. On his side, as someone said on here it was a conquest. He has a nasty streak, just wanted to get her in bed, don't think he cared about the marriage. The way he was replying to comments on insta saying he would get her etc. shows he is disgusting and she must have seen it so I dunno what she was thinking!
It's mad to have that huge wedding just to say he got her but probably he thought she wouldn't ever divorce him or he didn't care about wasting money on a wedding.
He probably thought he could carry on as normal & wheel her out as the pretty wife on Sunday’s for show on insta.

they might have agreed to pay her off if she stays silent for some time ( so she gets the £ later).

I think she would give up her “job” if they paid her off.

so she gets paid loads of £ for marrying a thug. Sends the wrong message out to her followers.
She cashed in.

Costas father is good looking - until he speaks.

From the video it looks like he is with a tall Eastern European blond “lady”. I think the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

I wonder if they all just laughed it off? (His family?) was he told right from wrong?

she keeps hinting at being hurt tho. Hurt for money - set for life.

She was basically treated like a nasty invoice. Paid & forgotten about.

did she say anything at all on her insta?

it’s weird to share everything you do, eat, wear & then delete everything & not mention to 300k followers.
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I can't remember exactly how long they lasted but I don't think it was even a year? And the divorce when through QUICK aswell so that's why I think he must have paid her off some but cos she hasn't spoken about it silence would have been part of the deal. His dad is a real businessman, he would def have been behind that. Costas thinks he is a businessman but his dad is the real one.

I dunno, I think she was in love with the idea of him not who he really is. Or she actually thought she could change him and it didn't work. On his side, as someone said on here it was a conquest. He has a nasty streak, just wanted to get her in bed, don't think he cared about the marriage. The way he was replying to comments on insta saying he would get her etc. shows he is disgusting and she must have seen it so I dunno what she was thinking!
It's mad to have that huge wedding just to say he got her but probably he thought she wouldn't ever divorce him or he didn't care about wasting money on a wedding.
Why is costas in a vest in the video?

screams wanna be gangster rich kid!
Why is costas in a vest in the video?

screams wanna be gangster rich kid!

Lol that is a greek thing, normally the bride and groom get ready at their houses and the best man "dresses" the groom so most guys are usually in a vest and their trousers to start, and their best man pretend-shaves them, helps put on their shoes, shirt, tie and jacket... it's a traditional thing. And for the bride her MOH will help her put her shoes on and "get ready" before the families do a traditional send off and you go to church. It's a nice part of the wedding usually.

So not that weird for him to be in a vest in some of the pics and video haha! The horrible wanna be gangster bit is all him though 🤮 I always think the ones where all the groomsmen are in tuxes and sunglasses tryna look tough are cringe, guys like him love it though.

From the video it looks like he is with a tall Eastern European blond “lady”. I think the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

LOL yh his dad isn't much better tbh, just not stupid enough to act like a thug.

I think she would give up her “job” if they paid her off.

I'm pretty sure she has her own flat now but I don't think she would of got much, otherwise she def would not be working she would just be posing in Dubai full time 😂

did she say anything at all on her insta?

No she just took the pics off but there were rumours going round pretty much as soon as they split, then everything disappeared from her insta. It happened really quick and then it was like he had never existed if you looked at her pics!
His dad made the money, the sons spend it.

Maybe part of the “settlement “ was for him to stay away from social media?

Imagine him showing off the latest girls & her having to watch & hear about it. Would damage her goody goody religious/ party image.

does his family live in Essex?

I wonder if he grew up poor ? I’m trying to understand what turned him into treating women this badly so young.

I think he used to hang around with those Iraqi guys, who are also vertically challenged. They are known to put a lot of “dirty money” through Syon lounge.

(also where he used to hang around).

a lot of escort types in their “VIP “ section also.

you really are the company you keep.

Short womanisers.
I have just seen the posts of his brother George and Amy.

I didn’t realise that she had had a baby with him.

The whole thing looks very staged, Amy is the centrepiece & allows him in for a few shots.That Montana shot is cringe- he cannot pull it off.

its obvious the brothers are fake hungry. They want celebs despite having done nothing worthy in their lives.

Poor Melly has to watch Amy showcase what she couldn’t get!

A showcase celeb life on someone else’s money! Set for life.
Yh those two love the b list celeb life, posing in shisha bars with girls who have too much filler. Used to see them at syon lounge sometimes, it's a nice place but def a front for whatever the owners are doing with money and full of guys like them who think a lot of themselves.

Something def happened with his socials, I don't think he would be too happy about it as he loved showing off on there before.

Lol yh poor Melly, she wanted that life so badly she married a thug with money and now she is grabbing at any partnership going on insta and pretending to live the high life. I wonder who is paying for this Dubai trip tho because she's been there ages? She hasn't done makeup all year with COVID so where is the money coming from? I dunno if in the style or whatever is paying that much?? I'm so curious.
Syon lounge owners are also womanizers. You. See them driving around with escorts. No one would look at them if they didn’t have money. Then they show their kids at home & covered up Islamic wife. They obviously don’t see how awful that looks to outsiders. They are mates and business partners with costas dad.

it’s true the company you keep, Like attracts like.

the girls must know they are married (as they keep showing their kids).

shisha is a corrupt business full of player guys who are new money rich.

Yes - how is the trip funded and why travel in a pandemic?

does Seda have a kid?

Her and her friends dress so cheap
The new range is awful. What an earth is she doing?
Lol maybe Costas thought he could have that life too, messing about with other women and then have Melly looking pretty as his wife for special occasions.

I think they probably know how it looks but they don't care, they are basically showing off that they have it all - good religious wife to look after them and their kids and still bed whoever they want, have a different woman hanging off their arm all the time. They love it.

Her new range looks like cheap crap, the kind of clothes that look good on insta girls and then you order it and it's all rubbish.

No idea how they are paying for it, I'm convinced it can't be paid by them though! Seda has not really worked since March either, her salons have been closed except a few weeks over the summer. Who is paying for this? And yh, travelling in a pandemic aswell, maybe they are doing it to convince people to buy into Seda's travel pyramid scheme lol.

does Seda have a kid?

Yh think she has a daughter but dunno about the father or what happened there.
I don’t follow any of them but I looked earlier and Seda is back the rest still there. Her Q&A was dull as duck totally pointless it does my head in when it’s all ‘not a question but I think you’re amazing’ 🙄
Bit weird that every question she answered about men or relationships she used a still of a black man on TV.

I think the girls involved with ITS do get a good cut of the sales and her collection must do quite well since they’ve given her another one. Another immoral act from her though working for an unsustainable fast fashion company that uses cheap labour to produce its merch. As @Renata would say ‘not very holy that’ 😂