MellySophiaMua and Costas

Ewwwww, whilst I don’t agree with people making personal attacks (discussing here is something else imo I’m talking about messaging her directly etc) but that comment about the cycle of negativity and keeping you there is so patronising and she needs to climb down from her high horse. You can be in Dubai and do your ‘work’ without posting it ALL like eating out every night on social media! Sorry but she’s a woman 😂

Yh I would never message her abuse or anything nasty directly but I'm not surprised if people have, I just think she is playing people for fools if she thinks she can justify her trip in any way. Just cos she booked it before the restrictions doesn't mean she had to go. I had to cancel all my trips for 2020, I don't know why she thinks she is special. She rarely posts pics of MUA work anymore so I assume she isn't doing much even in Dubai. If it was a work trip she should show it, then maybe people would think that at least she has gone for a reason. She just shows pics having fun and eating out etc. which is NOT work or a reason to be out of the country.

woman is the word lol what a shame brands are working with her, she is the worst example of a social media influencer, selfish and thinks she is better than everyone else with her preaching about negativity. People wouldn't wish badly on her if she had any sense not to rub her holiday into peoples faces. All the celebs who have been away are getting backlash now, she should take note and keep quiet.
I cannot read any of her posts. She is so thick it is unbelievable.

her paragraph probably took her ages to think up yet it makes no sense.

for the second time she has used “effected” instead of affected.

why are all these makeup artists so full of self importance when they don’t have basic schooling.

I don’t see anything good about her.

she cannot read or write.
She eats takeaway / bad food every day.
Her bikini shots are boring.

everyday sunbathing in a fake city - during a pandemic - thinking it’s a good thing???

why don’t her family point this out?

there is NOTHING remotely inspiring about her.

marrying a thug - was the only thing interesting about her (interesting in a bad way).

she really is boring & irrelevant.

why not show some of your “work”?
Melissa is no different to all the other reality stars out in Dubai or other countries! Don’t like people telling her she is wrong being out there during the pandemic! The posts on Instagram are jokes as you know your guilty otherwise you wouldn’t be putting a post out.

melissa has posted photos of her work she been doing out there but her selfies and night out photos over take her work photos

she got one bedroom apartment now as she use to living alone and not sharing with her mates anymore

where does she get all this money from to buy expensive perfumes, designer clothes and shoes?

I ordered her edits and I returned them all they were garbage! The sizing are so big and the jumpers had no shape it makes you look square! All her edits look the same and apparently they get sold out
A one bedroom flat in the Uk?

the money probably came from her thug ex husband or taking cash in hand for her “work”.

I somehow don’t think it’s legitimate.

she doesn’t strike me as a business woman.
Melissa is no different to all the other reality stars out in Dubai or other countries! Don’t like people telling her she is wrong being out there during the pandemic! The posts on Instagram are jokes as you know your guilty otherwise you wouldn’t be putting a post out.

melissa has posted photos of her work she been doing out there but her selfies and night out photos over take her work photos

she got one bedroom apartment now as she use to living alone and not sharing with her mates anymore

where does she get all this money from to buy expensive perfumes, designer clothes and shoes?

I ordered her edits and I returned them all they were garbage! The sizing are so big and the jumpers had no shape it makes you look square! All her edits look the same and apparently they get sold out
I don’t see anything expensive about her tbh 🥴
She didn’t quarantine last time.
It’s like she is provoking covid.

Yh I wonder how long it will take for her to upload pics with her family when she is back... it won't take 2 weeks that's for sure.

She gets her hair dyed literally every few days. It looks frazzled

She's got into that horrible routine of getting damaging things done to your hair, so once the professional blowdry has worn off it looks bad. Then she gets it done again to look good, but more damage happens and every time she goes back for a treatment it gets worse and worse. But she's gotta look good for the gram, and if she doesn't get her hair done she will have no content lol. Seeing as she hardly shows her makeup work anymore which is why people followed her in the first place!

I don’t see anything expensive about her tbh 🥴

Cheap like the trashy clothes she advertises, I've ordered from those places before and it's all sooo bad. I can't believe it sells out, everyone must return it as soon as they get it cos no way is anyone keeping that rubbish it is shapeless and terrible quality.
She had started doing that chavvy hairstyle, Vicky pollard (the bunch at the top). It’s the least classy hairstyle and she makes her look like a kid.

when she wears casual clothes, that hairstyle & flag shoes she looks underage.

I think she is dying to catch a rich guy before her “damage” starts to show.

she really has nothing to offer,as soon as she opens her mouth - it’s all over.
I’d hate to be that thick/clueless that I thought it was ok to post a bikini shot everyday during a pandemic, hairstyling etc when everyone I know (back home) are deprived of these pleasures.

she actually looks so proud of herself. Yet - what she isshowing off is morally wrong.
her bleached hair looks awful.

it seems like she is having a teenage rebellion.

the bikini shots just outline how small her boobs are (which is fine), I just don’t get why she keeps showing them.

she really is attention and brain deprived.
She's too stupid to realise her posts aren't right for what's happening in the world right now... all she can think is how to get the next like or show off the next outfit, but posing in restaurants or by the beach isn't what people wanna see. Everyone has been missing out on holidays, and people who care about not spreading this virus have missed out on a lot more than that for nearly a year.

So obviously they are gonna be upset seeing her posting about her biggest problem in life being her hair, and omg she even had to take her extensions out to get it fixed :rolleyes: when others haven't seen the inside of a salon for months and won't for even more months!

People have lost their jobs and lost friends and family, not had social contact in so long but she hasn't missed out on anything so she wouldn't understand the sacrifices people have made. She is too busy taking bikini pics and trying to justify being on holiday when it's people like her who are making this go on longer and longer for the rest of us just so she can get attention on insta.

Like Renata said she is brain deprived!
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She's too stupid to realise her posts aren't right for what's happening in the world right now...

Like Renata said she is brain deprived!

you see that’s the danger.

she is that stupid and the people around her are not telling her(kindly) why it’s insensitive & cruel to do this.

I think she has a mental illness.

you cannot be this stupid & proud of it.
For every person that calls her out there are many more who continue follow and adore her, most probably impressionable young girls.