Mel @mjbyrnex #2 She needs a psychologist not tiktok

Mel's new profile picture looks like she's peeing up against a tree 🤭

She's changed her bio once again! She's always called herself a victim, something I've called her out on many times. Her new bio now says she's a survivor! She just keeps rewriting her narrative to make herself fit into whatever box will make her appear most authentic.

There seems to have been a lot of talk of Mel around other people's children recently. I remember Mel looking after her best friends child, the child is very young and in a tiktok I remember seeing Mel have an evil look on her face when with her, then I remember that child running away from her at the park and Mel chasing after her like the big scary monster she actually is. Below is that screen shot, young child running away from mel and scary big Mel chasing her. I definitely would not deem Mel fit to look after my children. There truly is a nasty sadistic side to her that I could not and would not trust.

Mels personality reminds me of the kind of personality whereby people who have suffered themselves feel the need to make others suffer. We are all told daily of how Mel thinks she suffered, god help those stepchildren if she takes her frustrations out of them in a twisted Mel way.

Those children also have to endure big Mel to get to their father every time they visit him! I have always seen that as cruel. You can see in her tiktoks that she definitely brings lots of drama and aggression to her family. She never lets them have time out with their dad.

As for the latest disclosure, she sits in front of her camera like she's the queen on Christmas Day.

As always she shows absolutely no consideration to her step childrens privacy, Mel decides she wants to share family business all over the internet Mel shares family business all over the internet, regardless of the consequences for the children. What is scarily evident from her tiktoks is how normal p*edophilia issues are in that entire family.


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Mel's new profile picture looks like she's peeing up against a tree 🤭

She's changed her bio once again! She's always called herself a victim, something I've called her out on many times. Her new bio now says she's a survivor! She just keeps rewriting her narrative to make herself fit into whatever box will make her appear most authentic.

There seems to have been a lot of talk of Mel around other people's children recently. I remember Mel looking after her best friends child, the child is very young and in a tiktok I remember seeing Mel have an evil look on her face when with her, then I remember that child running away from her at the park and Mel chasing after her like the big scary monster she actually is. Below is that screen shot, young child running away from mel and scary big Mel chasing her. I definitely would not deem Mel fit to look after my children. There truly is a nasty sadistic side to her that I could not and would not trust.

Mels personality reminds me of the kind of personality whereby people who have suffered themselves feel the need to make others suffer. We are all told daily of how Mel thinks she suffered, god help those stepchildren if she takes her frustrations out of them in a twisted Mel way.

Those children also have to endure big Mel to get to their father every time they visit him! I have always seen that as cruel. You can see in her tiktoks that she definitely brings lots of drama and aggression to her family. She never lets them have time out with their dad.

As for the latest disclosure, she sits in front of her camera like she's the queen on Christmas Day.

As always she shows absolutely no consideration to her step childrens privacy, Mel decides she wants to share family business all over the internet Mel shares family business all over the internet, regardless of the consequences for the children. What is scarily evident from her tiktoks is how normal p*edophilia issues are in that entire family.
This was my first thought, what if locals who know her step children are viewing this video, what if other children from the schools, colleges or workplaces that her step children or their mothers attend see these videos and pass judgement onto them all because Mel (my phone autocorrected her name to Smell then which is probably more appropriate with how trampy she always looks) HAS to have her say and say the same thing over and over again! It was noted the other day that she’s re recording old POV videos she’s recorded and posted before and made them again this past week! Absolutely anything for tik tok fame with this woman, who gives a shite if your step kids are affected in the process though hey Mel ✌🏻

It is scary that the P word seems to be the norm in their lives so much so they’re not phased when their own step mom is accused of touching them 🙈
I think by the looks of it the same person who reported her is probably the same person who let out about a step son being a pedalo too as it’s got to be someone she knows personally that knows these details! It was said over on CC that locals knew something was going to come out about Mel that might force them to leave the area as they don’t like people like her around there so again that’s probably the same person who reported her.

I don’t understand her ‘I find the police triggering’ if she found the police triggering why on earth would you go out of your way constantly to report pure silliness to them, didn’t she call them when someone posted the photo of her mom on here for all of 5 minutes 😂🙈 she chats so much tit that woman does!
Mmm, it seems more like a distraction story from the stepson.
I don't get why she even had to post a video on it. Id be mortified and wouldn't want randomers knowing what id been accused of or want my step children embarrassed if someone saw her video from school!

Yet it's all about how it affected Mel, how she is coping, not an ounce of compassion for anyone else. She was downplaying the kids & their mum's reactions but they must have been horrified, that's not something any child should have to be asked but no Mel only worries about how it affected HER!
Mmm, it seems more like a distraction story from the stepson.
100% sounds like she’s decided to take the blame to take the limelight off her step son’s accusations!!! I’m sorry but if my child’s fathers wife had been accused of touching my child not a chance would I be standing for them being over there until she’s investigated properly regardless of who might be out to get her etc! Something is definitely not adding up!
Also, I’ve never seen someone so calm and collected at being accused of being a Pedalo 🤢 like I’m not being funny but that kind of accusation could lose her, her husband and the family she’s created…how is she happily sharing this with god knows how many people watching on her tik tok! If I was her best friend and the mother of her husbands children I’d be reconsidering having her around them 🙈
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Mel says she was accused of something very serious re her step kids, next minute she cannot wait to tell the world she was accused of the most heinous thing involving her step children. Only Mel would want to jump online and tell the world something like that. She said she does not know who reported her, but has her suspicions, we all know that she will blame her family.

Part of me is wondering if she anonymously reported herself to create drama, to promptly move the attention away from the serious issue with the stepson? I truly would not put anything past that woman. I say it because the second thing that happened involving her & her family superseded the first thing which had clearly rocked her to the core. And as soon as the second thing happened the first issue just magically vanished. I truly would not put anything past Mel. I think she has all kinds of personality disorders and the free counselling she got from her ex employer barely scratched the surface regarding Mel and her many issues.

All the warning signs are there will Mel, absolutely nothing would suprise me regarding her.
@notSUBmissive your queen on Christmas Day comment really cracked me up 😂🙈 she’s a proper actress that woman is isn’t she!

I wander if her husband gave her an ultimatum him or tik tok, what she would choose 🤔 can just picture it now her acting out a video claiming that the trolls have driven him to leave her and that she will never be silenced whatever they try to do to her! There will come a day where her husband throws the towel in because let’s face it who wants all the hassle, it’s scary to think that if this report was genuine that the person knows their address 🙈 Mel has done nothing to try and protect the kids in their own home by giving our so many clues as to where they live and now they have this random person reporting her and giving the police her home address!!! I’m shocked there isn’t more concern over this!!!
@notSUBmissive your queen on Christmas Day comment really cracked me up 😂🙈 she’s a proper actress that woman is isn’t she!

I wander if her husband gave her an ultimatum him or tik tok, what she would choose 🤔 can just picture it now her acting out a video claiming that the trolls have driven him to leave her and that she will never be silenced whatever they try to do to her! There will come a day where her husband throws the towel in because let’s face it who wants all the hassle, it’s scary to think that if this report was genuine that the person knows their address 🙈 Mel has done nothing to try and protect the kids in their own home by giving our so many clues as to where they live and now they have this random person reporting her and giving the police her home address!!! I’m shocked there isn’t more concern over this!!!
I do not think Mel's husband has any gumption whatsoever. He appears to have zero common sense, be gutless and we can see by the state of the house they live in he has zero get up and go.

She's planning a Christmas Grotto in her house, left to the gutless husband it will literally be a grotto as there is no carpet on the floor and no wallpaper on the walls. Literally log cabin esque in a terraced house 🙃

I cannot for the life of me imagine sitting in such a messy pit 7 nights a week like they do and not making their home decent or right, if not for them for his children. They literally spent one weekend in a whole year lifting up the grotty carpet and then nothing else. Lazy is an understatement. They are both either on lives chatting to strangers all night or she admitted the rest of the week they spend playing computer games. It's another world to me. When my husband and I bought our house we couldn't wait to make it our own.

As for the POCD tiktok, why is she drawing attention to something she isn't diagnosed with but willingly implying she has it? Who willfully wants POCD? The lengths she will stoop to to get new followers are insane.

As for the people on comment cafe saying she's reading from a script, I completely agree, imagine making notes on a disorder you have not been diagnosed with then reading your notes out to an audience as if you have been diagnosed with the issue. Disturbing on a grand scale.
I am shocked at just how emotionally unintelligent Mel is. Doing another Christmas Day Queens speech to her flock she announces on one hand her step children are excited by her tiktok (they are kids so of course they will be excited by their crazy step mother being on tiktok) then in the next breath she asserts that she will continue doing tiktok until her step children ask her to stop 😳

Mel is an EXPERT at twisting any narrative to fit what she wants, I have never seen anyone do what she does in that respect, it's scarily pathological.
She has twisted the narrative to say if the kids are ok with what she does she isn't going to stop. Bearing in mind everyone knows she won't ever stop because getting a narcissist to change is like trying to change oil into water.

3 of her children who allegedly haven't seen her content, as she protects them from it, are happy with it all, make it make sense.

What she is saying is the step children are ok with all the consequences tiktok has brought to their families despite not knowing what the consequences are?

They are ok with their step mother sharing when they start their periods on their holidays, they are ok with their step mother criticising their actual mother's, they are ok with their step mother outing their sexiauality, they are ok with their step mother spending a year deliberately humiliating other people. They are ok with their eldest brother being outed as sleeping with a minor? They are ok with all of their families private lives being aired by their step mother day in day out? They are ok knowing about their father's sex life... The list goes on.

Mel is supposed to be an adult. Mel is supposed to be the one who understands consequences. Mel has completely failed in keeping her home address or her step children's identity private as she herself has posted both all over social media. She has the audacity to blame everyone else as always.

The fact is that Mel choosing to air her family's secrets all over tiktok has caused many different consequences and any normal step parent would not be proclaiming to the world that everyone is out to hurt them, when they are the ones doing the hurting. Any normal step parent would not be using language like "I'm not going down without a fight" and they would be approaching this whole mess extremely differently. But ALL that matters to narcissistic Mel is Mel getting what Mel wants. She hasn't for one second considered the risk she is putting her step children under and as they are children they obviously do not see the risks.

What's the betting one day all Mel will have is her tiny tiktok audience sat following her waiting for the next drama to drop and her husband and step kids will be long gone, but as long as Mel has 1 person willing to listen to her she'll be happy because, despite the consequences, EVERY ACTRESS NEEDS AN AUDIENCE.

Up until yesterday Mel has said she wouldn't p*ss on her if she was on fire, I watched her say that about her mother. She's outed her mother far far worse than people who've murdered others get outed.

Mel has spent a year outing her mother's private information and behaviour, she has spent a year humiliating her beyond all recognition and then as soon as I mention her mother could EASILY have her arrested for harassment out pops a tiktok saying she misses her mother, a tiktok of Mel suddenly being human and decent towards her mother and her disability. You could not make it up. 🤣

I can understand Mel's followers having the feelings they are expressing but they have not spent a year completely humiliating their parent online three times a day everyday, then realising what they are doing could get them a criminal record.

If anyone is under the illusion Mel isn't a narcissist, the latest tiktok is clear proof just how much of a manipulative narcissist she actually is.

I think it's healthy for people to speak to others about their childhood to find some common ground and support. That is NOT what Mel has done. Mel has gone way way too far. Her year-long attack, which shows no sign of ending, has been vicious and cruel, she is so lucky her mother has not reported her to the police as what Mel has done is the very definition of harassment.
Last very lengthy post for a while as I tootle off to some blue skies, blue seas and white sands for a couple of weeks. I could have stayed home, bought some landfill waste crap for my home, but I decided to work hard, work overtime and save hard, but that's just me projecting 🤭

To bring a case to court in the UK the CPS have to have a VERY realistic prospect of success. The public purse that pays for the case demands it.

Mel stated recently for the umpteenth time that her experience with her brother was a "foggy memory that she couldn't quite remember" when she described it to the police.

Unfortunately a prosecution witness who is unclear about what crime/ crimes were committed against them is not a great witness and a realistic prospect of a guilty verdict is diminished.

How can a uk jury convict a person "beyond reasonable doubt" if the person at the time cannot remember and is foggy about what allegedly happened to them. How could Mel even think that she could have withstood the hellish scrutiny a UK barrister would put her under if her memory of the alleged crime was foggy and she couldn't quite remember it?

Sex crimes against anyone, especially children are heinous and those found guilty are sent to jail for many years so quite rightly the prosecution and defence is rigorous to say the least.

No jury could find a person guilty beyond reasonable doubt of sex crimes if the survivor cannot remember most of what happened to them. I didn't remember clearly what happened to me for almost 35 years, then my floodgates opened and my brain allowed me to see what had happened to me from aged 8.

It can take decades for repressed memories to come flooding back. It's why many survivors prosecute their perpetrators years later when their memories have come back.

Clearly Mel thinks it's her mother's fault that her brother wasn't prosecuted, everything is her mother's fault! Mel is an expert at playing blame bingo!

It's actually nobody's fault. The UK legal system is revered throughout the world because it is 'just and fair'.
A jury of 12 peers can only convict a person and take away their liberty if the survivor at least has some clear memories about what happened to them. The "foggy" memories Mel has led her to believe that she wasn't raped, it was just two children touching etc. She said again recently, that's as a trauma response, like many, she couldn't remember clearly what had happened to her with her eldest brother as it is foggy.

If what Mel foggily remembers ever becomes clear in her mind, she has completely scuppered any chance of getting any legal recourse as she has prejudiced any possibility of a fair trial because she opted for a few tiktok quid and trial by tiktok. Actress Mel out her need for attention and validation before any needs for justice.

I'm not saying it's Mel's fault her brain is foggy about her childhood allegations at all, but as long as her memories remain so foggy how could she possibly have expected any UK jury to convict anyone beyond reasonable doubt for any crime when the allegations were so foggy that she couldn't quite remember what happened herself?

When you read the charging guidance for charging a minor/child for engaging in NON penetrative offences with another minor/child it is not clear cut, as children are not adults and children can and do sexually experiment with other children.

Factor in a witness whose memory is foggy and it's clear to any rational person to see why the CPS did not allow anyone to be charged with anything in relation to Mel's foggy memories.

The decision not to charge was down to not enough evidence because there was not enough evidence from Mel, the person who if it did go to court would have to be cross examined by a barrister whose job it is to robustly defend the accused.

I have been to court as a witness in my trial against the man who raped me when I was a child. I was cross examined for a day and a half. My whole life came under scrutiny to see if I was a reliable witness, aswell as my then alleged historical rape allegations. I only went to the police when my memories were clear about what had happened to me. I gave a 6 hour video of evidence about being raped and emotionally abused as a child for years. For the first few decades of my life my memories were not clear, however, when they were I felt confident to go to the police.

The brain works in mysterious ways, but if you are foggy about if a crime was committed against you it definitely is not the time to go to court.

Mel may love tiktok now, but if what she thinks happened to her did happen to her and her brain stops being foggy and starts releasing clearer memories of what did happen, how much will she love tiktok then when she realises tiktok has prejudiced any possibility of a court case because a few tiktok pounds and some tiktok followers were more attractive than waiting, like normal people do, for the brain to process and clarify what allegedly happened to her in her childhood.



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Mel’s only popped up on my for you page this last week and I did genuinely feel sorry for her until the middle brother post. When she said she was going to read his messages out I thought they were going to be awful, I was like is that it? Maybe I’ve watched too many drama series I don’t know but it kind of flipped the narrative for me. It also told me she had a tattle page, thanks Mel
So Mel hit 70K followers last week and is now at nearly 90K. She was buzzing and now seems to see the road to fame.
She is also apparently too anxious to work in the office, but recorded a podcast last week with the other TikToker Zoe. I hope her employer gives her a warning for making TikToks, but so far they seem to allow Mel to do what she wants.
She posted a video about the middle brother yesterday and he posted his side of the story on CC. It was revelatory especially confirmation that Andrew has/does indeed played away. If the middle brother is reading this. We don’t revel in the drama nor do I see us as the ones who have encouraged Mel. Most of us have experienced childhood trauma ourselves and see her talking about the rest of the family as disrespectful and unhinged. You have every right to your privacy and to tell your story to who you choose, not to be asked questions by your colleagues due to your motormouth sister.
Mel is in full narcissist mode now. I think she has already visualised quitting her job for stardom and brand deals. Hopefully her employer gets there first and leaves them up tit creek.
The struggle to watch this woman’s videos is REAL but just skimmed through the one talking about her brother and it all just really seems like sibling tit for tat 🙈🙈 this brother hasn’t done anything serious to her so I’m not sure why she’s putting up such a fight with wanting to talk about him and his family! Surely he’s entitled to not have his life spoke about so someone can make money on tik tok! This alone just shows how self centred and selfish she is, she won’t stop talking about him because it makes her money and that’s all she cares about no one’s feelings but her own! Selfish selfish woman!
So Mel hit 70K followers last week and is now at nearly 90K. She was buzzing and now seems to see the road to fame.
She is also apparently too anxious to work in the office, but recorded a podcast last week with the other TikToker Zoe. I hope her employer gives her a warning for making TikToks, but so far they seem to allow Mel to do what she wants.
She posted a video about the middle brother yesterday and he posted his side of the story on CC. It was revelatory especially confirmation that Andrew has/does indeed played away. If the middle brother is reading this. We don’t revel in the drama nor do I see us as the ones who have encouraged Mel. Most of us have experienced childhood trauma ourselves and see her talking about the rest of the family as disrespectful and unhinged. You have every right to your privacy and to tell your story to who you choose, not to be asked questions by your colleagues due to your motormouth sister.
Mel is in full narcissist mode now. I think she has already visualised quitting her job for stardom and brand deals. Hopefully her employer gets there first and leaves them up tit creek.

What an eye opener his side of the story is! And as for fake crying and mock sincerity over 90k followers, I nearly cringed myself inside out. The social blade stats speak for themself, big chunks of new followers in chunks of hundreds, yet only 70 odd (if that) comments on her TikToks lol.
What an eye opener his side of the story is! And as for fake crying and mock sincerity over 90k followers, I nearly cringed myself inside out. The social blade stats speak for themself, big chunks of new followers in chunks of hundreds, yet only 70 odd (if that) comments on her TikToks lol.

do you know roughly which page on cc to look at for his side please? Xx