Megan Welsh #2 Thinks she’s cute and wacky in reality she’s annoying and tacky

I think a lot of people will, a slightly older influencer I follow who got a lot of trendy tattoos in her early 20s has had almost all of them removed in her 30s and has talked about regretting them, she only has one or two that she has kept which meant something to her.

Definitely! I seen a tik tok the other day of an older influencer saying how embarrassing it was to be round the pool on holiday with patchwork tattoos you regret from being younger and I just thought instantly of her 🤣 bet she regrets that tattoo she got for her ex 🙈
Does anyone else think she is going to well regret all those tattoos 😭 I feel they are all of things that are trendy atm like cowboy boots, disco balls, strawberries etc and rather than look back at trends and think wtf was I wearing, they’ll be on her body forever. I do like tattoos, I just feel she puts zero thought into them, I’m sure she said once she had a 2 tattoos booked and said she will just pick random ones once she’s there 😭🤣 actually stresses me out she has a big carton of coconut milk tattooed on her forearm
38 here. I regret all my tattoos thank god i can’t actually see any of them. If I had the money I would I have been well rid unfortunately feeding my kids etc takes precedence
I’m cackling at her Instagram caption “taking 2 weeks off work”
Work as I’m taking photos and uploading it to Instagram🤣
Taking 2 weeks off but I’ll post constant in those 2 weeks and tagging brands that I ‘work’ with 😂😂