She seems the type to be so unhappy but will drag out this relationship longer just to keep up appearances. She will def be back in the UK at some point and act like they’re still together. I do not see them getting married.Im honestly shocked she wasnt up and away home “for Christmas” come December 1st. Perfect excuse for her to get out of there. I really think she will go home for Christmas and not go back
I’ve been so distracted by her struggling and being humbled since the baby was born I completely forgot about the son Gollum completely abandoned in the UK. When I start to feel sorry for her I have to remember how vile she actually is.
I bet they have blazing rows behind the scenes. She’s clearly unhappy being in Germany and it was a crazy decision to move there at all. Her days must be endlessly long and monotonous. What an absolute fool
His father’s still waiting for it to happen, so I doubt it.Hopefully that kid will grow into his looks….
That would be the logical thing to do but I bet she’s terrified of losing him. We all know he’s a deadbeat dad to the other child he has. Can’t see it taking much for him to get bored of this one and there’s nooooo way that thought doesn’t go round her head too.She needs to go back home and leave her boyfriend to get on with it and he could could commute back and forward to the UK.
She’s setting up her excuse to be back in the UK very soon….Gos I’m actually starting to feel sorry for her! She’s been posting pics of her dog and how much she misses him!