Megan Mckenna #2 Bump on display, moving away, give it a year till they call it a day

It’s the way she’s posting content of him just doing completely normal things for a baby to do as if she thinks it’s in some way novel or different. As someone has already said, he’s just a baby doing what billions of other babies have done. Babies will cry if you put them down, they soon learn how to get what they want. And that has nothing to do with having colic
It’s the way she’s posting content of him just doing completely normal things for a baby to do as if she thinks it’s in some way novel or different. As someone has already said, he’s just a baby doing what billions of other babies have done. Babies will cry if you put them down, they soon learn how to get what they want. And that has nothing to do with having colic
Humans aren't designed to birth and go. We should be staying with our babies until they are ready to be parted. If that's not something you are willing to do, then maybe don't start IVF with a guy you've known 10 minutes then move country for his football money, babe.
Comparing her baby to mine I think he potentially has CMPA. I have four and the first 3 were a dream. The fourth was just constantly unsettled and would cry the same as Landon. Just seemed uncomfortable all the time. We did everything. She would not sleep would never seem comfortable I had no sleep she was glued to me. When she was about 6 weeks old we found out she had CMPA and then she was prescribed a different milk. She completely chilled after that. I do feel for her in that sense as being a new mum she probably has no idea what it could be or where to turn. Lack of sleep and a baby crying constantly does take its toll.
Comparing her baby to mine I think he potentially has CMPA. I have four and the first 3 were a dream. The fourth was just constantly unsettled and would cry the same as Landon. Just seemed uncomfortable all the time. We did everything. She would not sleep would never seem comfortable I had no sleep she was glued to me. When she was about 6 weeks old we found out she had CMPA and then she was prescribed a different milk. She completely chilled after that. I do feel for her in that sense as being a new mum she probably has no idea what it could be or where to turn. Lack of sleep and a baby crying constantly does take its toll.
She has a lot more people to offer advice than the average mum. I just looked at the comment section on one of her videos and a lot of people have suggested it could be cmpa, she said her midwife has ruled it.
My boy has reflux and colic with no other cmpa symptoms and omeprazole worked fine without switching milk.
She has a lot more people to offer advice than the average mum. I just looked at the comment section on one of her videos and a lot of people have suggested it could be cmpa, she said her midwife has ruled it.
My boy has reflux and colic with no other cmpa symptoms and omeprazole worked fine without switching milk.

She should be more inclined to listen to the average Mums then. Alot of the times even the professionals don’t get it right.
She should be more inclined to listen to the average Mums then. Alot of the times even the professionals don’t get it right.
And if she so convinced something is 'wrong' with him why doesn't she just try the cmpa milk for a few weeks and see how he gets on, or drop dairy in her diet and see if that makes a difference? I think medical professionals rule it out if they dont have a rash or the runs but cmpa can have a range of vague symptoms.
So smug muvver Megan says her newborn sleeps for 8 hours. His nappy must be sodden by then! I used to always change mine during the night feeds as with so many feeds they also poo and wee a lot. Wouldn’t be surprised she is looking for natural remedies for nappy rash soon!
Can't wait until he meets a sleep regression period and wipes that smugness off her rubber face.