Where did this woman come from? Someone I follow shouted her out a few weeks ago and I started following her but I’ve unfollowed already. I hate to say it but I think there’s something going on there. She’s a real narcissist and she needs help. Ironically she’s just posted that she blocked someone because they said maybe she needed counselling!! She’s just doesn’t seem very stable. She had a massive tantrum about the drs not doing something about her child’s wart (I found that particularly annoying as the Mum of a disabled 6yr old) - Megan has no idea how hard it is to see your daughter suffer and suffer with pain, sickness and more for months and having to fight their corner at all times and getting no where, especially since covid but you know, I thought I’d give her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she’s just having a bad day and she’ll come on later a bit sheepish after she’s had some perspective (
When she ranted about boob jobs and bariatric surgery and how if you can claim it harms your mental health you get help but unless you say that, you don’t get help - I actually winced. You could see just how much of a nasty little thing she is underneath all this nice act.
Yesterday she wrote that ‘you’re the most important person in your life’ as part of her empowerment speech and I don’t know, maybe I need to work on my self worth (!) but ever since becoming a mother, I’m not the most important person in my life and in my view, that’s what I signed up to when I chose to bring a child into the world. Then tonight she’s talking about how she cut her Mum out of her life (I can totally see why) but then says she’s cut all of Jack’s friends out of her life (what went on there?) and god knows who else.
Is she always this erratic?
She obviously didn’t have the easiest upbringing but she’s got a nice house, gorgeous son and from what she shows, Jack seems nice enough but she really seems like an angry, self centred, narcissist.