Megan Marchant

I feel sorry for the little guy. Based on what she says about the trouble she has with him, he is obviously very frustrated and needs some extra support.
My son had very little speech until he hit 3.5 and it came on in leaps and bounds. He’s autistic ❤

Nursery will almost certainly raise concerns if they think he needs to see a paediatrician. And if a three year old isn’t speaking, they need to see a paediatrician. Only question is, why hasn’t Megan sought help sooner? I know Covid has caused massive problems with the NHS, but consultations were still happening over the phone and via video call. I know because I had them!
I think it's really important to remember too that he's essentially a "lockdown" baby too, yes he was a year old when the pandemic shut the world down, BUT it has had an impact on a lot of kids and milestones etc. There have been studies that have taken place.

We know as adults the impact on being locked down had on people, it's also affected children of all ages because they've not had the socialisation that they would have necessarily had otherwise. We've heard her talk about the way he acts out when out and about at times, but think about the sensory overload that must be going on when you've gone from being away from people to suddenly having loads of people near you. It is completely unfair to say he has a learning disability or needs additional support because of a small snapshot into their life!

God I'd hate to think what people would say if they saw my child at times, she can run rings around me, and the amount of tears from both of us would fill a bath. Doesn't mean she's a handful and needs support for her behavior, it just means we're both human! Children don't come with a manual, they don't come with a definitive "you will do this at this age" or "you'll behave in this way all of the time".
It was a long haul flight with her son, fair enough the guy was taking up another half of their seat I believe and I would totally talk to a stewardess about it, however what I wouldn't do is share a picture of the man, titled the lump, and share it online. The man was moved, they had their solution, there was no reason to share that information.

and here she’s saying she wouldn’t say anything like that! when it’s dished out back at her she’s not that mean person to do something like that!!

megan is a very rude, mean, manipulative, two faced, self absorbed, narcissist the people in her life haven’t seen her before and now to see that!

megan’s life is a party full of bullshit buffett and fakeness confetti with a party back drop of i would never be that rude/mean while her pants are on fire!


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and here she’s saying she wouldn’t say anything like that! when it’s dished out back at her she’s not that mean person to do something like that!!

megan is a very rude, mean, manipulative, two faced, self absorbed, narcissist the people in her life haven’t seen her before and now to see that!

megan’s life is a party full of bullshit buffett and fakeness confetti with a party back drop of i would never be that rude/mean while her pants are on fire!

WTF is this pic? Why is it now the in thing to do these fake ass beggy preggers pics. When I was this pregnant I'd have poked you in the eye with a fork if you'd have suggested such a me me me me me me photoshoot.
So she’s annoyed that people have commented on how much weight she’s gained… fair enough.

Except when she used to flaunt and capitalise on how tiny she was… so it’s hardly surprising really.
I mean yes she has defo put on a lot of weight but I think you notice it more because she was so tiny to start with
And like she said it’s just whilst she cooks a baby so why is so so bothered
In a few months it will all be gone and we will be subjected to her showing her arse and barely naked again and she will be loving the attention of how slim she is again
Pick a lane Megan
She has actually grown on me during this pregnancy but I did chuckle at the irony about it being a chilled birthday when the post has two gigantic 3's taking up the whole room.
I thought that! Didn't want to make a big deal of it being her birthday cos she wants to get tit faced when she's had the baby (which is fair enough), but sets up balloons, giant numbers and poses for photos for the gram 🙄

it's like today, she puts a post up being about how she doesn't talk to her mother and the toxic relationship, yet hasn't celebrated the fact that she, herself is a mother! Focus on the present instead of dredging up the past for likes and clout!
I didn't realise that when you had another child, you only have to parent the new one, the other one becomes sole responsibility of the other parent. Must remember that when I've evicted this one from my uterus 🙄
I didn't realise that when you had another child, you only have to parent the new one, the other one becomes sole responsibility of the other parent. Must remember that when I've evicted this one from my uterus 🙄
My god it’s all abit boring now isn’t it
The food shots are boring me to death too
Like get out of bed and get on with it
I know she had a c section blah blah and she reminds us everyday but I mean just at least get up not asking you to run a marathon
God I have known people who are back at the school run on the Monday after given birth over the weekend ha ha
My god it’s all abit boring now isn’t it
The food shots are boring me to death too
Like get out of bed and get on with it
I know she had a c section blah blah and she reminds us everyday but I mean just at least get up not asking you to run a marathon
God I have known people who are back at the school run on the Monday after given birth over the weekend ha ha
My partner was suffering really badly from depression when I had my first, I had a section so should have been taking it relatively easy, but I had to get out of bed and get on with normal life every day because he was struggling and he needed my help as much as I needed his. The guilt he feels because I did so much in those first few weeks is unreal. Even now, with a toddler and him being OK mentally, I know that I couldn't just sit in bed ignoring the fact i have a house to run, a partner and an older child who need my help, so that I can be waited on hand and foot, nor would I expect him to do that for friends who popped in!
I thought she was a bit manic on yesterday's stories with the hysterical laughing about the dog. Feels like she's trying a little hard to prove how happy she is and how perfect everything is. Perhaps time to step away from SM for a bit and just enjoy the rough and the smooth of having a newborn again.
This drives me mad, one of the biggest buggy brands and they still gift!
We have this pram and I totally rate it, however...would I sell my children's soul for it? Absolutely not.
Just said to my partner we're in the wrong line of work. It's absolutely appalling how much free tit these people are given to advertise, yet there are families struggling who would kill for half the stuff they're gifted!
Just said to my partner we're in the wrong line of work. It's absolutely appalling how much free tit these people are given to advertise, yet there are families struggling who would kill for half the stuff they're gifted!
They she constantly says it’s not a job and she doesn’t earn. Fkn hell she gets given loads of stuff. Who needs an income when people give you it all for free. I used to like beg befits she came a bit insta famous. I honestly don’t think Jack will be there forever, she’s exhausting.