If you’re not careful I’ll change my answer from girls aloud to sugababes!
guys I need to rant because the tumblrinas are annoying me but I know none of you will agree with me anyways because my opinion is controversial. MASON GETTING A DOG FOR PROTECTING IS OK!!! They’re acting like the dog is being abused. Do people realise that dogs are animals and they’re not just bred to sleep in your bed like they pay the bills, eat their own shit and then lick your face right after! These dogs are bred to work. That’s how German shepards, huskeys etc were created. Even your small dogs were bred to do jobs. They didn’t just appear out of thin air. It’s in their DNA! And it’s annoying me that the tumblrinas don’t understand this. What about farmers who have working dogs? Should that not be allowed? What about the police? Sniffer dogs? What about horses? Is it ok for them to work? What about guide dogs? Where do they draw the line with working animals? They’re acting like someone is going to get a sniper and shoot mason’s dog. I can guarantee you mason dog will be well looked after. They need to stop putting their two pence in because they sound stupid