I think she has major self esteem issues. She constantly has to hold her bump and talk about how big her bump is and that she can fit into non maternity clothing... it's like she has to make sure everyone knows she pregnant and not fat. 10/12 or 12/14 is average for women. Some women are naturally very slim or bounce back to pre baby size very quickly... but that is not the norm and anyone with a large platform should be very, very aware of that and considerate of it. I think it took me on average 9 months to a year to get back into pre pregnancy jeans... (I have 4 kids) and people like Martina can make you feel really bad for not being able to do it as quickly as she can. Postpartum is hard enough as is without pressure to look perfect! People like her make me livid!!
I'm sure she has full time help with the kids and the house. I am very much a neat freak but with toddlers you can just never keep up. Whether you're a stay at home mam or if you went back to work... housework with small children is never done. Where do her kids actually play? There is never a toy out of place... that is so fake!