Watching last nights just in time:
Firstly, such a nice compliment for Orange to pay Newcastle “you’re 6ft in my eyes” because she likes everything else about him.
Newcastle is actually really sweet. Can’t remember what his name is but K&K are growing on me. His reaction to PMDD was perfect.
My heart broke for Emma when she spoke to the slug about her size and confidence. All she wanted was for him to compliment her! And he’s lying there shrugging like a bleeping slug!!
“You need to work on your view of women” was the perfect line. Emma isn’t my kind of gal but I loved her for that. I really don’t understand how they’ve agreed to make a go of it, she needs to respect herself more!
I feel really uncomfortable watching Charlie and Eve. Once again, Charlie needs therapy, not a wife. I’m not saying what Eve did was right either. Charlie didn’t shout at Eve at all, they’re both awful communicators but Charlie didn’t raise her voice (that we saw).