Just catching up on last nights and I’m just so infuriated by Peggy.
The whole “he’d rather game with his family than spend time with me” was completely over exaggerated and ridiculous.
Gaming is his job. If I had to work late, and my partner said “do you fancy going out for food with my family” I would say “I can’t, let’s go next week instead.” That doesn’t mean he’s not my number one priority it’s just that in that moment, the work is more important than going for a meal. If I were working late, and something bad happened with his family then of course I’d drop everything and be there for them.
I don’t understand how Peggy seems to think that just because your partner isn’t your number 1 priority 24 hours a day, that means you value other things above them
she’s genuinely awful and has no concept of the real world.
Also, she wouldn’t question George’s “shifts” with gaming if it were another job, she just doesn’t want him to do it and hopes if she goes on enough he’ll just give it up.