Markusemzzz #5 Emz & her fishy minge, all she does is full time binge!

She’s another one who loves to play the ‘mental elf’ card as excuse. She will be making out to the police that she’s vulnerable. Disgusting that she keeps wasting resources for tiktok drama. There’s people out there who have reported partners to police for abuse, nothing been done about it and then the next thing you know they have been murdered! So the police do duck all about that but keep running to her house whenever she makes yet another call. It’s definitely her and her mods who keep calling the police. So bleeping unfair and wrong. I think she’s lying about DV as well. She’s had numerous men in that flat who have been accused of DV so if she really had that trauma she wouldn’t be inviting these men in.
It was horrible manipulative behaviour from her last night. The poor guy had enough and went away to sleep and she’s shouting in his face to wake him up, he’s spaced out and she’s drawing all over with lipstick and then you know she’s going to start kicking off if he gets it on the sheets. And she did, get up and wash your face etc.

It is honestly vile and there has been a pattern of men she’s done it too, I don’t agree with people sending takeaways to her house etc but she shouldn’t be having the police out every other night, manipulating everyone she bloody interacts him.

Hasn’t been on tonight, hopefully he has left and won’t be back soon.