oh sweet jesus I just had a quick look at her threads (can’t believe no wiki) on quick glance Id say she has actual real MH issues whereas MM doesn’t hes just a narcissistic
bleep but Chelsea Wright seems like a
bleep aswell (also they both love food and begging for things like maccies) MM better up his game or im heading to Chelsea Wright , hes an ultimate bore theses days
and today already he is wallowing in selp pity in his stinking pit (talking selfies if him asleep the weirdo and a pity post he stole and re posted! Again war against instagramers didn’t fail on night watch (more self pity, shite talking about the time he imagined he was in a psych ward (I don’t believe he was) anyway Im not having another day of his self pity bollox, either tell us WTF happened in spoons or piss off for good Marcus you
twit! he doesn’t even do lives anymore! Chelsea always does lives I hear
and she wins hands down and has legit reasons for majority of her behaviour unlike Carcus the fake!