I don’t know why he is going to visit his mum but he is going for a week and on his own. Not taking any kids.
He said he will be doing lots of videos and sitting on the beach live.
He is getting a coach tomorrow.
He is on live now and someone said in comments why don’t you go hell Lucy put kids to bed. He got really angry and said he do help her out but no one sees that.
Next minute you know Lucy is screaming at Tom
he had to go help her. He came back and said “see now Lucy did need my help then and I don’t mind helping her”
How about you put kids to bed and them come live. You are a absolute
tit dad.
They will remember daddy never putting them to bed as he was on TikTok
He is making new people Mods and Laura is not on. Did anyone see her on yesterday?
I posted on here few days back that she was gifting and subscribed to a creator and all of a sudden he is saying he have had problems with mods