Yeah. May as well delete it. I have nothing more to say about a man I hadn’t even heard of until a couple of days ago. Anyone else?
The post is back up.
Oh my goodness - just read that and saw all the ‘great and good’ who have commented. Only on finding this site have I realised how much I’ve been taken for a fool. The ‘I have’ ‘I go’ ‘I want’ ‘I got for free’ brigade are just sellers of rubbish. I ‘should have’ ( not ‘of’ very conscious of grammar ) realised, there are a few I still like backofthewardrobe and 40notgivenupyet , the rest though I scroll or read their ‘twatish crap’ because it’s transparent and contrived. Never liked frumpypumpy pathetic use of swearing and her comment on Manvsbaby is just what you’d expect. .I see Man Vs Baby has had his 'twats' original Post reinstated ....I did try and report it again but IG rejected my complaint
Strange. Though probably for the best as it means people can see him for what he is if they look at his page
Did he actually go to the effort of appealing the decision to remove it with Instagram or something?! That is someone who really does take himself and his ego too seriously
I see Man Vs Baby has had his 'twats' original Post reinstated ....I did try and report it again but IG rejected my complaint