me myself and karma
VIP Member
I was thinking of posting similar. I wanted to get through it ‘naturally’ but ended up so low emotionally and more fatigued than usual. Been taking HRT for a month now and it made a massive difference v quickly. Hadn’t realised how much was due to the MP as the mood changes happened gradually. (My current blip is due to migraines which started long before MP. I’m just monitoring any changes there atm and am wiped out today from the latest one). Not negating the effect crap situation for the OP with horrendous workmates though. Perfectly normal reaction to dickheads . Just that these hormonal changes really add to it all . But as you say we’re all different. Assuming you’re in the uk I didn’t get much from my gp just a quick phone call. It’s Like wading your way through the wilderness which is ridiculous. If it happened to men in the same way.., ). Anyhoo back on track. It’s blue bounties only for me.
The migraine thing, years of pain killers etc did sod got a daith piercing and it was like a bubble popped!! I know there's a lot of skepticism and I was at the point of trying anything. Wish I'd have done it years ago x