This was a few posts back, everything she does on insta is desperation for money. The longer it takes us to read it (even by a few seconds) the more she appears on our pages . That’s why it’s spaced out.Why do all of
Maeve’s captions
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“Imagine herself and himself sitting strategising saying ok let’s push up the endometriosis chat this week. Let’s really prey on bloated women next week. Let’s up the love island chat. Relatability mixed with self loathing in women = sales = money money for us. It’s all so contrived. Even how she spaces her words and paragraphs in each post is a sales strategy. The longer it takes us to read the post, the higher her engagement score on the insta app = the higher she’ll appear on algorithms and our feeds when she’s selling something”
I totally agree. Most notably, WHERE on earth is this mane of “all natural” flowing bouffant perfect hair she constantly boasts about? It’s flat thin and ratty as the next persons. I don’t think people would recognise her in real life at all. She also looks very short and her outfit is hilarious. All so funny. Lord and Lady Lidl (herself and himself)Not to be harsh but she looks very different without all the filters she uses on Instagram
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