Madison Sarah #29 Italian Stallion or British Pork Medallion?

I don’t think it’s her nose but I think it must be something cosmetic rather than medical because she would otherwise definitely say what it was for the sympathy and wouldn’t be worried about being judged. Unless it’s something medical but on the more ‘embarrassing’ side.
Assuming it is cosmetic (surely) how can you be that young and have had so much cosmetic work? Two sets of new boobs, at least two sets of veneers, and a face full of filler/botox is crazy when she's only 26(?)

I watched a video last night of a girl who was 21 getting a BBL and the year before she'd had a boob job. I'm 30 this weekend and in an ideal world I'd have a breast reduction, but it's not something I fixate on? I just don't understand how you can be so young and want to change so much about yourself - your brain isn't even fully developed until 25, honestly it's quite upsetting to see.
I watched a video last night of a girl who was 21 getting a BBL and the year before she'd had a boob job. I'm 30 this weekend and in an ideal world I'd have a breast reduction, but it's not something I fixate on? I just don't understand how you can be so young and want to change so much about yourself - your brain isn't even fully developed until 25, honestly it's quite upsetting to see.

I had a boob job at 32 as to be truthful I wouldn't have been able to afford it much earlier than I did and before that was the pandemic!

I say all the time I'm so glad I actually didn't have it until that age because if I'd have done it in my early or even mid twenties I'd have just gone with whatever surgeon I spoke to first and let him put horrible round over the muscle implants like mads has 🙈🙈🙈

I really wish they'd ban it until age 25
Oh nooooo what has she done to her hair?! I was actually so jealous of how pretty and good her hair is. I think she’s going to regret these bangs 👀