I noticed it when he was with Verity. He had some good points about them needing to communicate better and Verity was very immature but he seems so rigid in how he expects a partner to behave and has no flexibility in his opinions. His thinking is very black and white at times. The way he seemed to wear Verity down for the time she ditched him and hung out with her mother got to be a bit much. I understood his original point but when he started talking down to her about it, it became annoying/condescending.
And I could sort of see why she probably felt suffocated by him always wanting to do check-ins and be together all the time. I don't think Tristan is a man you can approach about having any concerns in a relationship, without him breaking out into a spiel about how he is such a 'good guy'. To hear his side of it with Verity, he did everything right all the time and was a perfect boyfriend in every way.
I think Liv can be very immature and insensitive in relationships (she was vile in the way she treated Digby), but she is showing some surprising growth now, and anytime she expresses an opinion or talks about a feeling, it is like Tristan has to one-up her. He has to always get the last word in. He is very self-involved at times. I really don't care for them as a couple and don't see any chemistry at all. I hope their storyline ends. I don't care if they get back together or not. I just don't want it as a major storyline.