Thank you
If she actually gets further than the initial the appt (the referral) I will be gob smacked! Surely no doctor/consultant could believe her lies?!
she is a lazy slob. She will always be a lazy slob! It’s those poor kids I feel sorry for, having her as a mother. I hope when they’re older they get far away from her. She will drag them down.
I have a bit of respect for Simon (only a bit lol) the way he outs her for lying.
I mean, he’s still lazy himself when it comes to working etc but he must be sick of her bullshit too.
I think it’s different for everyone.
This is the first miscarriage I’ve had. They called mine a missed miscarriage.
We went for a scan and they told us there was no heartbeat but the sac was still growing as it should and there was blood inside the sac. I was still having symptoms of pregnancy (sickness, sore breasts, tiredness). I hadn’t bled at all.
They said we could wait for it to come out naturally or we could have some kind of help to push it along.. vacuum, surgical or medical management (the tablets). I opted for the tablets as the next appt for the vacuum was 3rd October and I felt it was too long. I didn’t want surgical as it involved them going inside you with “tools”. We went Wednesday for 1st tablet then Friday for the second lot. Then the nurse gave us a scan picture and a little keepsake box with a teddy, knitted heart, candles, some “forget me nots” seeds. It’s been hard. they gave me a pot to try and collect a sample if I wanted to, to bring back for testing.
I asked if I was to get pregnant again and it happened again what would happen then? They said they could refer me for testing to see why it’s happening but most of the time it’s just “one of those things” and they can’t find out why.