Chatty Member
And it's 'he's' not 'his'. Another one of her favourites.
And today she is “supporting” half a head of curly hair and half a head of straight hair.
And it's 'he's' not 'his'. Another one of her favourites.
I vaguely remember her on stories once talking about her mum and dad and said they hated her being on tv and never congratulated her for anything as they were really embarrassed when she was on ocd cleaners. She said her mum used to pull her for food etc and if she put on a couple pound was really nasty and all I see is her falling into same pattern everytime she talks about the girls having food in their room etc
They probably already do. Who hides food in their drawer? She was obviously hiding it from her mum what she was eatingI can’t help but feel sorry for them, imagine not being able to just have a snack without being basically publicly shamed.
Those girls are teeny tiny, they’re going to end up with food issues with L as a mum
Team queen.....
OMG I can't, the narcissism levels are amazing
Nice shades btw
There's more of this tit. My god she really fancies herself as something special.
Genuinely blown away by her entitled attitude and self admiration. You'd think she was saving lives the way she's talking #awkward.
Swipe up to buy my hoover/scrub daddy/mopWe should make bingo out of this
Wtf is she on? Not happy about what? Are they not allowed to produce any rubbish? I think I'd snap if I lived with her. What aren't you happy about today Lynsey?! Jesus H Christ.tit the bed people use the bins around her house.... she's not happy
Swipe up to buy my hoover/scrub daddy/mop
Swipe up to buy my hideous pink outfit of the day
Video of her invading her kids’ privacy
Photo of a nearly full bin
Anti bac in a coffee shop
Anti bac on a train
Tagging said train company about their cleanliness
Swipe up to buy the makeup she’s only cared about for two seconds
Quick and easy dinner that looks like cat vomit
Shaming her kids for having a snack or baking
“But d’you know what”
Dog walk boomerang
What have I missed?
I really thought it might just be me it’s every other sentence isn’t it!Oh the “D’ya know what?” drives me NUTS! Also, “If I’m honest”