So just before lockdown, I see on here someone had found a comment she had put on a “teen mum uk” persons post who had just got/been given a brand new black Range Rover evoque and her comment was something along the lines of “very nice, I’ve just brought one in white”. Then about 4 weeks ago she showed “jakey” cleaning her car and said “come on jakey, it’s the last time it will be cleaned”, then a few days ago she cleaned the car herself and mentioned she was cleaning it because her new car was ready this week or next. So she’ll be getting her white range evoque. How much will she be storying about it once she collects it! I also remember when she was looking for her new car, Rob and her dad were trying to talk her out of her choice, and trying to persuade her to get something more sensible/ eco friendly but she was like “no, I know why I want”. I guess she wants to be “on brand”
This is another reason why shes pimping her daughters out . . More opportunities to get "on brand"
She ( Lyndsey) is no longer a cleaning guru
shes anything shes allowed to be. . Desperate to be the lashes of "benefit" the skin/make-up of nip and fab . .
Daughter was asked what HER favourite brand is in an " ask me anything " and she said "oh I dont know? . . Levis?"
She is totally being pushed into this whole social media madness . .
When my girls were young it was like for a rate and stuff like that. I always discouraged it . . This whole thing doesnt sit right in my mind.
Would Lyndseys managers be advising the £ making if she has her twins on board? Its never been done? Your followers will love it kind of thing?
They totally read here too . .