If Lydia and Ali are too dim to have travel insurance...
then I don't pity them one bit. Part of their actual
jobs includes a lot of travel.
World Nomads, one of the more reputable travel insurers literally charges about €10 per day. Pocket change.
Whenever I'm overseas I have GPS trackers (Tiles) in every single bag that are linked to the Tile App on my phone. I don't carry a ton of cash on my person, I have digital copies of my documents uploaded to the cloud (Dropbox), and I keep my expensive
tit out of the line of sight.
They're an easy mark. Lydia and Ali don't take the necessary/proper precautions to protect their animals or their own
tit in general. The more I see bits of their content,
the more I conclude that this lot is extremely naive about the world and life in general.
To travel that much and be
that naive is
utterly absurd. Stupidity knows no bounds.
People travel like idiots, they get taken advantage of like an idiot.
Pure and simple.