VIP Member
I wouldn't say Carrie is gorgeous, but I think she is cute (if you completely ignore her acting like a patronizing child-grandma and her clothing choices which make her look like a murderous doll). I think what makes her pretty is the haircolor and hair length which now finally suits her very well and the pretty milky skin tone which makes her look fresh (as opposed to all these oompa lumpas nowadays). You know how some people even if they don't have the most symmetric face or the classic beauty look still look pretty? I think that would be her, I think she looks young and fresh for her age. Most of the time she does look super frizzy and isn't dolled up and in photos she looks like a crazy person because she doesn't smile with her eyes. You probably have a friend like that (I know I do) who looks like a serial killer in photos cause she tries to pose and only smiles with her mouth? Its really creepy.
But I don't find her anything special in videos or photos simply because she is always a mess or acts very offputting. But in that "wedding" photo, I thought she literally looked smoking hot! The dress fits her beautifully, her body looks sexy and her hair looks great against her skin and dress color. Maybe also because Lydia was in a very unflattering pose with the orange tan and we can see just how much weight she has actually lost. They used to be the same built and Carrie is very slim already. Lydia, stop with the exercising please, there is no need to compete with Victoria on this front because she looks unhealthy and it's not about the weight at all, it's just that Leonie has the model look and you don't (but neither does Victoria, so don't worry, and there's nothing wrong with that cause viewers want relatable people).
Anyway, I digress. I should be working on a deadline, hence why my rambling on here
But to comment on the photo of Lydia with the blazer in hands - if that isn't the best photo to define a "GREEDY WITCH" then I don't know what is! Her personallity has ruined her looks completely. Either that or Ali really did photoshop everything down to a dot a few years ago. Probably both.
It looks like she has a Snickers bar (or maybe Twix) plastered on her cheek .