It annoys me that they spout off about us being mean, I don’t come on here to be a witch, not at all. I try and steer away from making hurtful remarks about her appearance because I’m not oil painting! And I try not to talk about her from a personal perspective because at the end of the day I don’t actually know her. I try and comment on what she presents to us. I really enjoyed Lydia at the start, I thought she was real and enthusiastic about life and her relationship. These are things I could relate to, she couldn’t always afford expensive purchases and I liked her recommendations of worthwhile items. Upon watching her I was cheering her on, wanting her to do well and to achieve her dreams! I was so happy for her when she married Ali and bought her house. I enjoyed watching her excitement and disbelief that she had finally got her her dream home and I was genuinely happy for both of them. However, this is when she changed. It was all about what she could get done for free and how quickly she could have it done. There was nothing I could relate to at all, now she might say I should have made a decision to not watch her then, maybe she’s right? But I was intrigued to see more. And the more I watched the more I saw her be mean to her followers- she was passive aggressive and always made snidey comments when anyone dared challenge her. The more feedback she got, the more defensive she got. Her relationship with Ali seemed strange too, he seemed to be more of her odd job man than her husband. She never talks about people’s real life struggles and just glosses over hard times in life. To Lydia, going out of the house is stress! How is that relatable? I once showed my mum one of her vlogs and she said ‘why should I be bothered about her having stuff done to her house for free and unboxing luxury stuff that I would only ever dream of buying myself?!’ And I thought, yeh you are right! Why does she think we want to hear her brag about what she’s having done next? It’s all about immediate gratification with her. When she opens her packages she’s all over it, then she’s on to the next! It comes across as greedy and averous. The thing that irks me the most is how lazy she is, she doesn’t seem to put any effort into anything except her sproutlings! Why do people who work long days then want to sit an watch her receive all her goodies, moan about her busy day (when all she’s done is faff) and boss her husband around, including her house elf Carrie? So, no Lydia , I’m not being mean because I’m jealous of your looks or your life, but because I just find you totally unrelatable and just ignorant to other people!
You chose to put your work out there for people to see, just like an actor does. Does leornardo di caprio go and delete reviews about his performance? No of course he doesn’t! He has to learn to take criticism as a part of his job. I really think you need to work harder Lydia.