ok the time has come for me to add my 2 pence.
The delivery of her message was distasteful, like other people have rightly posted on here - she could have said our heating as gone but as luck would have it the savoy have invited us down what great timing or something to that effect. The issue I think some people (and I) have now is that all these companies are giving freebies to these influencers and at what cost especially in the COL crisis, I have to shut my ig off as I am getting fed up of seeing all these insta huns open free shit after free shit and I don't care for it anymore. As for the savoy Instead of gifting a room to the value of say 800 plus whatever they probably had to pay them to advertise they could donate that amount and help the homeless in that area or do a competition for a deserving family and it would be a much lower cost and warming to see the chain give back. I see the same with airlines gifting free flights to influencers, most people know all the options of airlines when going on holiday but a lot of people want a good price and if they want a better airline just like a premium hotel like the savoy then they likely wouldn't have been influenced in the first place.
I stopped watching her some years ago because I could no longer relate to her. I miss the days in their old house when she would wear leggings , Chanel trainers and that glossier jumper doing every stuff. once she moved into the new house things started to change and I stopped watching (and I used to be uh-bsessed with her) which is why my friend showed me the tik tok and then I seen the media. I tuned in to watch last nights vlog and she is waaaaay different to back when I watched her but look everyone changes and if this lifestyle is making her truly happy then good for her. I amn't the same person i was 10 years ago either, most people aren't.
I believe that things are changing now though, a few years ago it seemed to be the in thing for people to post about their luxurious things whereas now there seems to be more humility and humbleness which I am here for. O and one last thing you can't be sustainable when opening packages left right and centre, I buy a few items a year that i need and that are not fast fashion, that in my view is sustainable