This is going to be so triggering and unpopular that I have to warn you, dear Tat peaps, that you use your reading discretion if decided to proceed with reading.
I've been reading about that incident with Nikki the hairdresser for two years now.
I've seen Lydl rambling something about being a victim, mentioning her 'unhappy state' regarding her hair, trauma and all that jazz - however, I have never managed to conclude who is she talking about from her ramblings, since I've never heard her mentioning Nikki or her business. I don't follow her on Ig, just on YT.
I have, however, seen bunch of YT videos dealing with that incident - which is how I learned about it. Not from Lydl or Amelia or whomever customer, but from Nikki's team.
What Lydl, Amelia, or whomever rich, spoilt, bitchy customers of Nikki's or other posh hairdresser's are plotting privately - is, in fact, their prerogative. Nikki's prerogative is to choose customers, which she did. She runs exclusive, members only equivalent of posh private hair salon in her house (at the time of the incident) where no regular Jane with average salary could put one foot in. She opted for bitchy, spoilt, wealthy clientele with diva attitude. It was her choice to work heavily pregnant as well. Sure, everyone needs money, especially when baby is coming, but one appointment more or less won't change anything.
Having said that, there is no excuse for rude and abusive behavior. None. Ever.
BUT. You have choices - to show 'diva' the door, or to call police if she is not 'cooperative' in regard. Even if it was salon and she was an employee, she could have leave or call for help. Nobody can maltreat you if you are not consenting. It's 21st blooming century. Consult your legal adviser. You are not suing, you are making social media hype out of it? You were not abused, you are milking the over hyped rubbish. Another thing - what kind of exclusive service you are providing, if you have to go 'up and down' to fetch basic hair salon inventory, like mirrors?! Finally, the most important thing - was anyone HERE, actually there and witnessed the whole thing?
The way I see it, we have no clue what really happened there. Whatever happened, it was consenting arrangement between two adults. One was displeased, which was her right as a customer, another tolerated allegedly abusive behavior which she didn't have to do. It was her choice and motive is easy to guess. One is entitled bitchy influenza, other would love such clientele and is milking the story for 2 years making me questioning how good she really is at her job if she needs that kind of exposure- still. Lydl never mentioned her directly. It was the other way around. If 2 years of name making and promoting off of this 'scandal' didn't help her business, she might consider different strategy. You want WAGs and influenzas, you don't want grannies with perms? Well it comes with diva temper from time to time and yes, not all customers will be satisfied. Goes with the territory. Her choice. Healthy borders are also individual responsibility. If there was the slightest foundation for lawsuit, considering all the hype that is still going on, that option would have been used. IMO, without being present, just going by common sense, it's an overblown BS. Can we move on, please?