My god back in the day I never posted or commented! Just lurked around
Lydia’s comment lol:
It makes me so sad to know that other bloggers know about their threads but just accept it. I for one am not really one to accept this kind of slander, especially when someone from my childhoodis here contributing.
Unfortunately the cringey and hairy comments are pretty much spot on, I can't even argue with them I am nothing short of a massive cringe fest and I'm almost certainly descended from Yeti's somewhere along the line.
The comments about my looks are not really of much interest to me either, I look in the mirror and am pretty happy with what I see but I think that comes with age...much like maturity. I'm certainly not going to sit here and tear a fellow woman to shreds on how she looks though because I may be happy but I'm not perfect, whether I look like Kat Slater, Megan Fox, or your mate Dave from the local pub really shouldn't be of yours or anyone's concern.
What does bother me however, are the comments involving my past and personal life. Teacups you claim to have known me (I apologise I can see this has really caused you great distress over the years, to the point that you have to anonymously put me down online) maybe you should try coming to talk to me and we can discuss this further, I mean you know me right? Therefore you know I'm not aggressive or violent so I'm astonished that You wouldn't take the matter up with me in person. Maybe then your knowledge of me might be more substantial. Have you ever heard of the phrase "Everyone is fighting their own battle" as a child and as a 26 year old woman, I fight my own battles as I'm sure you do too. However I am not your punch bag and I feel it is time for you to let go of whatever issues you hold against me from over a decade ago now because they are clearly eating you up inside and that isn't healthy for either of us.
You also make some pretty bold statements such as me using the clever kids to help me with my work at school, are you sure on how clever these kids were because I left school with a grand total of 3 GCSE's, maybe I should choose more wisely in future.
I also must touch on the contradictions which your information is riddled with, you claim to know me yet steered clear after realising how toxic I was? So basically what you're saying is you judged me before getting to know me and decided to share your assumptions 10years later online? another point I'd like to understand more is how did I steel from you if you steered clear of me? and what did I steel? surely daddy could have bought it for me? I'm really starting to question the reliability of your information now, So I do hope you manage to shed some light on this.
But the piece de resistance has got to be this little addition
"Obviously this was years ago now, she may have grown up and be a much more genuine person - but from viewing her blog, she does still seem like she loves herself a bit and expects people to worship her. I should think a lot of these clothes are still bought with Daddy's money."
So you say your self, this was years ago and she may have grown up to be a more genuine person...You don't know that she hasn't but from her blog....which is what she allows the world to see of her life you have made Assumptions. Judgements and accusations without any substance what-so-ever. Sorry teacup but I think that all that we have managed to get from your little mini bio of me is that you struggle to let go of the past, judge people before getting to know them and then lie about them over the internet, anonymously of course, because god forbid you should actually stand by what you say.
In closing however, I do 100% love myself that is a given and I'm over the moon that it comes across via my blog. In an age where we are programmed to loath our very existance I am proud to be able to say that I love myself, I love my dad, I love my friend Alex, I love my life and I love you for giving me a much needed distraction from work for the last 15minutes...the remainder of the day will now be spent googling myself, thanks for the heads up with that one "Sadlonelycatlady"