Seriously why are these knobheads not being called out for this tit. I'm also from Oz and live in Victoria where they have now sent Navy Ships to evacuate people. I am on the other side of Melbourne and I am devastated for the people who have lost their homes and loved ones. A channel needs to be created to call out this bullshit (not like the PC crap that other drama channels put out but raw with receipts no holding back stuff) and give every single cent to those in need. These assholes need a slap down to reality. Seriously people might think it's bullying but if I went to her yoga class or saw her in town. I would bleeping tell her what I think of her bullshit and her bullshit career. She is the one thinking she is so important that she has to change her name on her friggin parcels. Then she should be witch boss enough to debate why this so called career of hers deserves any recognition, should I personally call her out for it on the street. Sorry lidl but you chose to be a public figure and as such people will take you to task on your abhorrent behaviour. ITS NOT BULLYING!!