I didn't like the dining room before the
absolutely necessary re-do pre-Christmas but it's better than this. The girl from the shoe-box home who loved grey velvet and crystal everything has obviously not gone far. Tacky. Soon we'll have a return to the mirrored furniture of the past...
Also, Lydia seems to think 'each other' is one word.
I expect if Cawweee was honest she'd have a different answer to the above.
"I have to take the piss out of Millen because she's basically a
bleeping moron most of the time and cannot do anything properly for herself, that's why I have to cook for her and Ali otherwise she'd never eat normal food. She's a nightmare to work for, she prances around the house in her dressing gown all day, I have to make her get dressed after lunch, usually because she spilled soup on herself. She only speaks to Ali in the silly voice on camera, rest of the time she shouts orders at him, he's basically the handy man, and i know he uses his hands a lot, only way for satisfaction! Cal is my friend, we have a secret WhatsApp group where we
witch about Pinocchio and Tiny Tears - such good names by the way - Ali does cry a lot, he goes into the garage usually, he has a bed there too. I am trying as hard as I can to hurry up Lydia's road to ruin, I cleverly leave stuff in the vlogs, farts, snotty noses, stupid dancing, all that stuff, but she thinks it's great, but I can see after the tree video at my house, her views are going down on her vlogs which is good. I've told her that we should do more 'banter' videos together, and she's up for that, because i am her only friend now. Both Alex's have had enough of her now, especially after the free manicures for 5 years saga! And yeah we've been schlepping to Birmingham because it's the only way to get a free hair do these days. My new plan for 2020 is to make her fat, so there will be more cooking videos - probably cakes and stuff, but i'll tell her they are sugar free and obvs gluten free - she won't know, she won't check, she'll be too busy dancing around. Also soooo happy got her mum on my side now, so that's me, Cal, her mum, the decorators, Ali's family, Ali will be on board soon, he just remembers when she was nice and had a normal face, not like a hamster. And Victoria is my new friend, she's asked me to do catering for her, and maybe she might need an assistant soon because her assistant is in Chicago, so that would be great, fingers crossed!!!! Anyway Happy Christmas Tattle, love you all, you're all such poppets. Cawweee xxxx"