My pet hate are men who wear suits that are too small for them! He is quite a muscular chap, he needs to size up for it to hang well. I so wish he would stop wearing those skinny jeans, he looks like such a tosspot in them.
My thoughts exactly .. although I have never seen a man that looked good with muscles in a suit to be fair.
The bunching of the arms ...the riding up of the trousers and they are far too tight ..the shoes are awful aswell.
Plus please do wear a Linen suit to a function where you will be sat down most of the time ... makes sense if you like getting all wribkled ...
It's a "hell no" from me xx
Of course she would post this photo before the bride could even share…. Thus why she prob pulled it down.
Interesting that Lydia was only invited to the last day… pool party… not wedding days. Clearly a last minute pity invite due to their day at the vintage car thing. Notice Lydia posts more than anyone else and tries to steal the spotlight acting like a drunken nit wit. You can see Robin is very uncomfortable with the antics in the fire truck footage. Strippers???
I like to have fun but if I were the bride I would be so irritated by all of this.
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Very telling when you need to act like a fool at someone else's wedding in order to hide severe pangs of inadequacy.
If you could put a collage of what "new money" means .. this would be the montage! All dressed up and zero class.
I wonder if she was aware she wasn't invited to the actual wedding, her outfit makes me think she thought she was.
Well she is always "late to the party" isn't she .. in this case 2 days late lol
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