Well-known member
I am married to someone a lot older and I have to constantly prove to people that I work. People always making assumptions that I’m not working and If I wasn’t working why I am I no better the person working. I don’t get the obsession with some people. Let people be. If it doesn’t directly affect you why do you care.
Also everyone’s version of success is entirely different.
I think she is absolutely deluded and she has forgotten where her roots are from. I find her a huge winger and moaner a huge turn off. They say money changes people and it sure has changed her not for the better.
Your words were exactly what I was thinking. I don’t get the obsession with people who say women don’t work. It’s none of no ones business. Between the man and the women.It sounds as if she has a lot of internalised misogyny tbh. The thing is, it's all relative and there are SO many contributing factors that go into these decisions that it's really not anyone else's place to judge or pass comment on what you should/shouldn't be doing. It sounds like she doesn't value the unpaid labour of women, tbh which is sad for herself as well as the rest of us. It's easy to sneer at 'women who don't work' if you think you're an empowered #girlboss but there's a lot to be said about the fair value of this unpaid work, Luisa knows this domestic work has monetary value as she pays someone to do it for her, but can't recognise it in these women for some spiteful reason? Here's an article if anyone's interested, apparently the total worth of women's unpaid labour is £140bil to the UK economy, there's other research that shows married men earn more than single equivs over a lifetime because of the (unpaid!) support provided by their wives source, there's millions of other bits like this. And think of the hours women put into their homes, they could equally argue SHE has the free time to commit to work as she's not doing that? I agree though, even the flexibility of being freelance offers you a lot of privileges that standard PAYE 9-5 employees simply don't get, and plus it's not exactly the most mentally (or physically) challenging of work is it. I mean type in 2007 Katie Hopkins appearance into the YouTube search bar, and remember a few bullet points and you've prepped for the Wright Show, surely?
Btw before she suggests I'm an unemployed loser or whatever other Tory bollocks she wants, I'm actually quite the opposite hence really struggling to come to terms with how much my career is going to change (read: be utterly obliterated) by becoming a mother. We go through enough from our employers without other women chatting tit too.
I am married to someone a lot older and I have to constantly prove to people that I work. People always making assumptions that I’m not working and If I wasn’t working why I am I no better the person working. I don’t get the obsession with some people. Let people be. If it doesn’t directly affect you why do you care.
Also everyone’s version of success is entirely different.
I think she is absolutely deluded and she has forgotten where her roots are from. I find her a huge winger and moaner a huge turn off. They say money changes people and it sure has changed her not for the better.