Luisa you didn't do anything innovative to earn your money! You just married a rich guy and locked him down with a few kids
Does anyone else think that on the pod, they definitely write a good few of the messages and confessions themselves. They always seem to be written in the same style and I'm just not buying that their listeners have so many crazy annecdotes and confessions!
Also did anyone else notice how Luisa took no interest in Anna's birthday. When it was Luisa's birthday, Anna was asking her all about her day and was so genuinely interested in all the crap Luisa had bought for her party but on today's pod, Luisa didn't ask Anna once if she'd had a nice day or what she had done to celebrate. As I'm writing this, I'm wandering if it was perhaps pre-recorded? But even so she could have at least asked her what her plans are. My family always joke about how self-obssessed I am and I will be the first to admit that my best talent is nattering on about me! But I wouldn't dream of completely glazing over my best friend's birthday and barely giving it a second of my attention.