Basically there was a WhatsApp group for the local area (up north) and there was a LOT of bullying in it. Calling people out over very small things, openly saying in the group they didn’t like me, didn’t think I should be part of it, and also going as far as to make an Instagram and reposting my photos with horrible captions. I told Lucy and she basically said ‘well you must have done something to upset them, just apologise to them or grow up’ like okay I get she doesn’t own that subset of group, but to openly just say ‘yeah I accept stuff like that’ is so wrong.
Not to mention the fact all of her ‘models’ are POC or not ‘social norms’ and openly said she doesn’t want anyone modelling her stuff who’s thin or blonde (I mean…are we not allowed to just be into fitness) you can’t just pretend a group of people don’t exist?’