EXACTLY. We didn't want anymore after our eldest but then I got pregnant. I have endometriosis and had the coil in then got pregnant on the coil. Had a miscarriage but we were so sad at that we now have our youngest but my partner was adamant he doesn't want anymore. I'd have liked another, but then had to think, that I have two kids who are healthy and perfect. Little crazy and absolute weirdos haha but perfect. So I don't need another, plus I've been through enough surgery on my womb haha.
My point is before waffling on haha, is that my partner and I both wanted different things regarding another baby, he didn't I did but we sorted it and I'm happy about that. However if we had a third, my partner would love them just as much. So why the duck isn't Ryan that arsed about Lilah?
Although. Maybe he is but we don't see much because he wants to prove to scarlet that he doesn't have a favourite daughter? Because I do think he didn't post about Lilahs birth at first because scarlet hadn't seen her etc. So I get that