Here we go with Lucy claiming to of had hyperemesis. I had it myself and that's how I know she's full of tit. I couldn't even move out of bed without being violently sick, I was over the toilet between 50 and 60 times a day, constantly crying, I was dehydrated constantly, hospitalised and was told my blood tests showed my organs were shutting down. I didn't even have the energy to look for clean clothes or brush my hair, let alone plaster my face in make up like Lucy. When you have hyperemesis it's about survival mode, I have never ever felt so poorly and I couldn't even be a proper mum to my other child right up until the baby was born . Lucy had your standard morning sickness like I had with my first, let me say this again, make up is the LAST LAST LAST thing you can even manage to do. Just because she took tablets does not warrant her saying she's had it, I had them and they did absolutely nothing. She could eat, I couldn't. Sorry it pisses me off she's crying for attention for something she didn't even have.