Despite a private school education Jordan is so oblivious to the world around him and how privileged he is.
Giving beginners tips for running a sub 20 minute 5k! Is he crazy, he is clearly fortunate/lucky to have high level endurance and fitness levels after a sporty upbringing and iron man dad. He has plentiful free time during day, no real job, functioning home gym and gym membership, plus he gets his food free from a protein/sports nutrition brand.
He needs to undertake some serious scientific evidence based research, especially considering individual needs, the multifaceted approach and various psychological and sociological factors.
A sub 20 minute 5k might be achievable for someone like you Jordan with a background in endurance sports, low body fat%, endless free time to train but your basic tips probably stollen from another source are not going to give everyone a sub 20min 5k in a few months.
For reference 5 of my local park runs only have a handful of women who have ever gone sub 20 in 5k and even the number of males getting such a result is low