Lucy carmody aka lucyannmarie

So instead of thanking her mum for looking after her son and avoiding foster care she just posts TikTok’s moaning about her? Grow up you ugly little bleep.

I think when her mum tells her how it is and doesn't put up with her tit she has a paddy like a 5 year old. How dare she disrespect her mother on social media when her poor mum who has already raised adopted children, retired and is now having to look after her toddler. She claims she can go get Leo back when she wants well if her mother is that bad then why is she leaving Leo there? She says he is with her because she wasn't coping but she isn't laid up in bed all day everyday with depression she can go out drinking. Get up, dressed face full of make up. So why on those days doesn't she have him, why doesn't she have him a couple nights a week overnight... It's because she isn't allowed to. She was calling herself a goddess on live the other day... Arrogance is an ugly trait and she has nothing to be arrogant about. She has time to shag these fellas but no time for her son. I can't even watch her live she makes me angry!
I think when her mum tells her how it is and doesn't put up with her tit she has a paddy like a 5 year old. How dare she disrespect her mother on social media when her poor mum who has already raised adopted children, retired and is now having to look after her toddler. She claims she can go get Leo back when she wants well if her mother is that bad then why is she leaving Leo there? She says he is with her because she wasn't coping but she isn't laid up in bed all day everyday with depression she can go out drinking. Get up, dressed face full of make up. So why on those days doesn't she have him, why doesn't she have him a couple nights a week overnight... It's because she isn't allowed to. She was calling herself a goddess on live the other day... Arrogance is an ugly trait and she has nothing to be arrogant about. She has time to shag these fellas but no time for her son. I can't even watch her live she makes me angry!
She’s literally up and dressed every day because she’s on tiktok live every day! Social have deffo removed her son because clearly she can look after him she just chooses not to!! Absolute scum
What Tiktok account is she on now? She keeps blocking me even tho I dont comment 😂

This is the one ...

She’s literally up and dressed every day because she’s on tiktok live every day! Social have deffo removed her son because clearly she can look after him she just chooses not to!! Absolute scum

She loves to have the title of ' mum ' but she has none of the responsibility that comes with a mum. She doesn't get him up and make breakfast, lunch or dinner, doesn't get him dressed, give him a bath, put him in bed, read him a story, comfort him when he's hurt, be there if he wakes in the night... The list goes on. She has set times when she can see him. She seems to be enjoying life by herself, getting up when she wants, doing what she pleases.

I'm sick of hearing about her mental health, I have severe mental health and my kids are what keep me going without them I would crash and burn. She always pulls the young mum card too, she was 19 for god sake. I had my first at 16 went through bad trauma with the dad ( won't go into detail it's all quite disturbing) had no family support at all. I fought to keep my kid. He turned 17 yesterday and is an amazing kid! She's a disgrace


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I’m sorry and I don’t usually go for looks, but how and why does she seem to think she’s the most attractive woman ever?!!
How does she pull all these so called men on nights out?!!
And surely her son should be more important than yet another fella! Sort your life out and get your son back before men!!
And you really are not gods gift so stop acting like you are!!