I think Lucille herself once said that she had no desire to have a career. And I personally think that is absolutely fine. She clearly still works hard and is sensible with her money - if she is able to find joy and a sense of purpose and satisfaction with her life in ways other than through her work, then I can't see the issue. We need people to do all kinds of jobs, whether that be to work in the civil service, as a doctor, as a nurse, as a cleaner, or as a shop assistant. I say this as someone only ~6 years her senior, with a PhD and career driven mindset, so I don't think I'm biased.
I actually really like Lucille and her family. They seem very close, which is sweet, and she seems very genuine. Her boyfriend clearly dotes on her and I wish them all the best as a couple. Laura, now that she is pregnant, will have to grow up quickly, but I don't doubt that she'll make a good parent. It's a shame her waste-of-space boyfriend won't be supporting her.